Wednesday, April 20, 2005

We're less than 2 days from Harry's 1st birthday.

365 days ago, I was apprehensive about the beginning of the rest of his life, and mine.

There apparently are some things that never change.

A year ago, I wondered if he was going to be a healthy kid, whether labor was going to be difficult, how well I was going to be able to sleep on the fold-out chair/cot-type thing?

you know. Big-picture important stuff.

Now, I still concern myself with his well-being and mine.

I guess a big part of this parenting thing is concern for your child and his or her surroundings, how he affects them, and vice versa. I don't anticipate this changing, but it does amaze me that the same type of things seems to be right out front... Is that enough lunch for him? Is that too much lunch for him? Can he climb up that? If he climbs up that and falls, is he going to break? If he breaks, am I going to get in trouble?

Speaking of breaking him... None of the latest pictures of his latest war wound have made their way onto the site yet. For those who haven't heard, Harry managed to wriggle himself away from me last Sunday morning, and decided that it would be much more fun to try to stand on his chin rather than his feet. The floor didn't agree, and several bloodied towels later, he's got a nice wound, just in time for his big day.

That's the first time I've really been scared by the little guy. Sure he's had his share of bumps, bruises, topples and such, but this is the first time that one has bled. I mean REALLY bled. The fat lip that his crib inflicted on him a few months back doesn't really count, if for no other reason, he didn't cry. This time he did. Hysterically. Tough part is though, the hysterical cry is relatively difficult to distinguish from his run-of-the-mill "I don't wanna.." yelp. As I mentioned though, this time the blood certainly cleared things up.

Let's add to this whole scenario that it happened when I was holding his hands... Not Kim (can't blame it on her), Bailey wasn't anywhere near, and he certainly didn't get to that point on his own... All me. Way to go Super Dad. You just let your kid gnash his face up the week before one of the biggest parties of his career!!

After the fact of course, cooler heads (and by heads I mean Kim) prevailed, and all was well. Nothing a bright green band-aid and a bottle couldn't fix. An off to swim class we went.

So now the big weekend is upon us. I can't believe its gone by so quickly (that sounds vaguely reminiscent of a similar comment I made around this time last year regarding Kim's pregnancy), and I really hope I don't look up one day and he's off to college somewhere. I think we've done a relatively good job of savoring this year.

If we have actually forgotten any of it, Kim certainly has enough pictures to prove it all.

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