Thursday, February 16, 2006

Point or Counterpoint...?

not quite sure which this would qualify for, but either way, it seems to weigh heavily in favor of my argument...

After the recent head-to-head bouts of will, Kim had to go to CT for a day-trip yesterday, and I'd have to say that little man was about as pleasant as he could have been. Once we got past the perfunctory Q & A's we were good to go:

"Harry Mommy's on her way to Connecticut, she'll be home tonight."
"later... tonight"
"Do you want to get out?"
"dor-ah... DOOR-ah"
"okay... let's go watch Dora"

And off we went.

I daresay an even quieter, more efficient morning than most. Minor assistance on the coffee-brewing (Harry likes "smell" the fresh grinds, and then to push the button to turn it on). Quick intermission between episodes of Dora The Explorer and Blues Clues to get dressed, and then out the door with nary a fuss.

So I figured that was my morning, but that coming home was therefore going to be a bear.

As the post-snowstorm thaw has begun in earnest, the kids apparently spent some quality time getting muddy, and Harry was in a completely different outfit when I arrived to pick him up (not that this is anything earth-shattering mind you, actually quite the opposite...we're surprised when he comes home in the same thing). Cranked up the Sesame Street CD, and headed home.

Muddy boots tend to clash with upholstered auto interiors, so they stayed off for the ride... which made for an easy reason why we couldn't spend any time shoveling the now-melted snow in the backyard. Inside we went, and I thought I was in for it when little man did 2 complete laps around the first floor checking every single room & corner for Mommy...

"Harry Mommy's still in Connecticut, but she's coming home tonight."
"later... tonight"
"we can't go outside, you don't have your boots on"
"dor-ah... DOOR-ah" (quick scramble onto the couch)
"door-ah" with a very satisfied look of expectation.

notice any patterns here?

Regardless, we did very well, and he was surely happy to see Mommy this morning, especially since he hadn't heard her come downstairs... the sudden appearance from around the corner brought that look of instant surprise that immediately crosses into elation when Kim comes into the room.


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

So happy to see a second blog so soon! But, one question: are you saying Harry prefers Dora to me?