Thursday, February 09, 2006


I'm sick. For some reason, when I am sick, I feel the need to tell everyone, just as a matter of fact. I'm sick.

"Luckily" I seem to be sicker than Harry. He has a runny nose and moans a lot in his sleep. But he otherwise seems okay.

"Luckily" I have several dozen physician CVs to turn into 2 page documents. Most of these Cvs are 40 pages of fluff, most of which does not include dates, but at least it is mindless and billable. There's the magic word! Billable. But mindless works right now, too.

I am taking my Dayquil every 3.75 hours. I took some Airborne, although "Developed By a 2nd Grade Teacher" does not instill much confidence. I prefer my Ancient Chinese Secrets (Echinnacea) but I am too sick to look through my suitcase to find it. I have some Zinc gum. Yuck. My mouth tastes like metal now. I did yoga and am still on the fence about going to acupuncture. I spent a small fortune this week at the chiropractor (but other than feeling sick, I feel 32 again).

My mom tells me to take chicken soup and I will be better in a week. Um, not planning to be sick for a week, but thanks. Today is Day 2 and I have sent an eviction notice. I have new orthotics for my running shoes and I will not hesitate to get out there and sweat. If I have to.

Let's just hope The Bug doesn't get this bug.

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