Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Harrison's Dictionary

Tee-ta = Tico
Haiku = Diego
Meemo = soy milk
PopPop = any male over the age of 40
Blue's Clue's/Cous Cous = Blue's Clues
O-meal = Oatmeal
Boo(t)= Boots
On = on or off
Up= up or down
Out= in or out
Hahnd= Hand...1.clean my hand 2. hold my hand
Jackie = Jacket
Blankie = Blacket
Noodle = Snoedel
BeeLee= Bailey
Dora! = Dora!
Hockee= Hockey
Tub= i.e. get in the tub, take a bath
Bye= Bye...formerly "Bye, Bye"

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