Friday, March 03, 2006

Out of the Loop

Kevin looked at me as though I was out of the loop, and Harry responded with a "wow." as in "yeah, mom, this is really cool (eyebrows raised, fake smile on his face). I've only been doing it since I was 1!"
Nonetheless, I was very impressed yesterday with at least two separate issues. Before bed, Harry and Kevin were building block towers. Harry was trying to help with Kevin's, but I don't think Kevin is ready for that developmentally. He is still into "side by side" play. So, Harry began his own tower. This is his combination: a large red block on the floor, two half sized blue blocks laid out perfectly on top, one small green column on top of each of the blue blocks, one yellow column on top of each of the green blocks. WOW! Two perfectly balanced patterns of blocks! How cool is that!?
The other thing that wow'd me was that before Harry went down the sliding board at the park, he stopped to kiss me. Kevin says "we do that all the time." Right. They went to the park Wednesday. Prior to Wednesday, I was unaware of this. AND HARRY AND I GO TO THE PARK NEARLY EVERY DAY!!!
But, anyway, speaking of loops, I bought Harry two hoola hoops so he can practice his jumping. He loves them. We put them on teh floor and jump in and out (or try to). SNoedel even gets a shot at it. Harry has found many other uses for hoola hoops as well. Who knew two giant plastic circles could be so much fun? His indoor activity level has increased and he has hardly watched any TV!

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