Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Things I need to do:

  • My monthly budget - before going shopping
  • Check out some really cool Dr. Scholl's sandals that I saw on the Today Show.
  • Get a new bathing suit for Florida.

Things I need to Tivo:
Sons & Daughters, Tuesday at 9

Things I enjoyed hearing:

  • Diane Keaton telling Oprah "I'd like to go out authentic."
  • The woman on a pharmacy commercial taking endless calls from relatives and asking them "You know I'm not a doctor, right?

Things I realized:

  • Boys and girls may play with the same toys, but they do so differently. Harry has Dora's Talking Playhouse. It comes with people and furniture, and a door that opens and closes. The people, for the most part, get tossed aside. It's not that he isn't concerned with their well-being. On the contrary, the door that these people have is slightly off of it's hinges. It's become Harry's job to make sure it functions properly.
  • Lauren Bacall is not doing so well...but she is far better than Liz Taylor (see, I'm not always Charlotte!). And when I looked up a sad clip I found a link instead, which reminded me that while she may have sadly stumbled through her text, and she shows signs of aging, she is nonetheless, fabulous!
  • Bailey's behavior is much better when I lower my expectations.

Things I love:

  • Hardcover books from Shutterfly
  • Kris requesting artwork from the master
  • St. John's Wort
  • Warm weather
  • Meg gets to go to China

Things that aren't all that:

  • Happy Hours
  • The Oscars - they were cool when I was 9. (Except for the "In Memoriam" montage. That is more meaningful).

Things we did this weekend:

  • Cleaned the basement during Harry's Sunday nap
  • Located my Pilates mat, our balance balls, and Harry's abacus.
  • Raised $45 from our friends at our Mardi Gras brunch to send to New Orleans

Things Harry can do:

  • Say "knock knock" from the other side of the door and wait for your response.
  • Let Bailey in and out as needed.
  • Sing "Ee-i-ee-i-o."
  • Serious artwork.
  • Announce "Ta-daah!" at the completion of any big task

Things Harry did this weekend:

  • Practiced his jumping
  • Requested his "hat" (helmet) when he got on his bike.
  • Ate giant pancakes from Austin Grille
  • Got Kevin a big blanket when Kevin was pretending to nap on the floor.
  • Went to bed with a book and fell asleep with it on his chest.
  • Closed the door and played quietly in his playroom with Lance for many minutes.
  • Hung out with his best bud Dan.
  • Was very concerned about Bailey at the dog park (she was off leash).
  • Got head butted by a tall girl at the gym and was very upset.
  • Giggled like a mad man in the car on Sunday - or like an awesome little boy!

Things Bailey did this weekend:

  • Went to the Shirlington Dog Park for her birthday.
  • Came when Harry yelled "Bailey."

Things I miss:

  • London
  • Size 2
  • The beach


Anonymous said...

Testing Comments

Kimberly said...

from some computers, like my work model, it won't accept the password.