Monday, April 24, 2006

“Burt-day to you”

Kevin did a great job documenting The Big 2 below. I did some documenting of my own en route to Greenwich...

“Burt-day to you…burt-day to you…burt-day to you…” Harry’s melodic little voice rang out from the living room Saturday morning. Kevin, his mom and I all looked at each other. Is he singing “Happy Birthday to you?” He was indeed! How cool is he!?

Such was the case when the big number 2 candle was lit at The Little Gym on Saturday. Harry joined right in with the singing. Little Dude is in the loop! The candle magically went out as well, though I suspect one of the members of the “inner circle” had a little something to do with that.

I am stuck at the airport waiting for a flight to White Plains that is now leaving later than the original time of arrival, so we may as well start at the beginning…Saturday, April 22, 2006 Harrison Everett McDermott turned 2! He had been properly versed in knowing how old he would turn, that there would be cake and that his friends would show up for his birthday- even Dora and Boots and Diego! That is, a paper banner with Dora, Boots and Diego that seemed to suit Harry just fine. Harry also knew no one was working on Saturday, and that was the most important part.

Harry was permitted to hang out in his PJs and watch Dora for an extra hour. We skipped Daddy’s homemade banana pancakes to instead meet the Wileys/Deckers at the Sheraton in Old Town for some waffles. After breakfast, we took a little walk towards Old Town but turned around when the rains got heavy. This was not a problem for Harry, though. He LOVES to walk in the rain. Provided it is not freezing, I don’t mind so much either.

Our intention was to give Harry some time to nap so he wouldn’t be Mr. Cranky Pants, but since PopPop arrived with a new basketball hoop and Grandmom arrived shortly after that didn’t really happen. After some quiet time with Dora and Mimo we headed to the gym, caravan style.

Harry was a little thrown off to see Zayne, Tyler and Hunter at the gym when we arrived. More and more people showed up that didn’t belong at the gym. Finally Lance arrived. Lance has been to the gym before. Things started to make sense! Well, a little. Harry still looked a little confused when the activities started, but, bells are bells. It was “time to stop and play” with the bells…and then put them away…and then do warm up laps. Harry obliged, still looking confused. A few minutes later he was really thrown for a loop: ALL OF HARRY’S DAYCARE FRIENDS ARRIVED! Menike & Johnny and Solan, Sage and his dad, Renee (or “Honey” as she has now decided to be called, thanks to Harry!) and her parents, Aisha and her mom. Harry and Solan, to put it bluntly, proceeded to beat the &^%$ out of each other, basically – especially once the pool noodles came out. I think they were meant to be “dance partners” but Harry and Solan decided it was more fun to beat each other with them. I had no idea that those two were so violent! It seems to be only with each other! I suppose he comes by it honestly, considering his dad is a goalie and his mom used to pay good money to get pounded on (Krav Maga, we call it). Once friend Hannah showed up, Harry’s smile never left his face.

The gym has been rather hit or miss lately. Harry likes to do what Harry likes to do. Harry likes balls and bubbles. Harry likes playing peekaboo in the donut mat. Harry does not like waiting in line. Luckily, birthday gym did not involve waiting in line. Kids got to be kids. Since most of Harry’s friends are a little bit older, they all follow directions pretty well. Harry gave into peer pressure and also played along, even participating in parachute activities…holding the handles, walking in circles…

When it was time to break for cake, I was worried Harry wouldn’t leave the room. Luckily, the big kids charge. One minute Hannah was directing Harry to cake, the next minute he is seated at a table surrounded by Solan, Dominic, Hannah and Isabella, all of the kids are wearing hats, Harry has his special birthday hat on…the instructors had everything under control. SO MUCH EASIER THAN A PARTY AT HOME!

After cake the kids were able to play a little longer and then Harry helped to hand out his monkey themed gift bags. He had had the time of his life, all thanks to his favorite people being there, especially “Uncle Kris.” I think Harry was as happy to see Kris that day as Bailey was the time Kris tied squeaky toys to himself for Halloween!

Later, we had Pizza and opened presents. Dominic and Isabella helped open gifts- total assembly line...Team Lightyear sweatshirt from Aunt Toni…bathtub crayons from Linda and Charlie…Bathtub Dora that Lance picked out just for Harry…Play-doh and puzzles from Mackenzie…a new train table from Grandma Patty as well as his first Thomas train from Isabella and Dominic and his first Thomas video from Zayne. After touring DC with the Wileys/Deckers (where we saw lots of “Airplanes” and the big “El-phent” at the natural history museum…and rode the train) Harry even spent some time playing with his sand toys from Kayla on the living room floor, quietly singing to himself.

Harry is an awesome little boy. He loves his friends and it meant so much to him that they were at his party. And you know it’s been a good party when you find yourself asleep in the doorway…as did Harry at 7:00 PM Saturday night. He pulled himself together a little while longer though and ended up in bed before 8:00.

So, Harry is 2 now. He had his 2 year check up today, He weighed in at 29 lbs, 15.8 ounces. I thought he weighed more than this actually. His weight is 75th percentile. His height is 33 inches. They claim. I've got to say, the nurse didn’t spend too much time on this. He was pretty squished up, I thought. I suspect he could be as much as 34 or 35 inches, which may bump him out of the 25th percentile for height. Maybe, maybe not.

Developmentally, he is right on track. Except he can’t jump. But, he is a little white man. We don’t expect to much. Apparently, like father like son. It’s a thorn in my side but we are working on it!

All in all, things couldn't be better in Harry's world! He is currently looking forward to his own airplane ride to Disney next week.


Caitlin Adams said...

Happy two! Iz just had his on the 17th. He is the same height as Harry -- but 33 inches came out as 45th percentile (or so I was told). But Iz is a wee 3rd percentile 22 pounds. These toddlers are all over the place in more ways than one!

Kimberly said...

Dixie- I haven't been to myspace...but people keep talking about it. I may have to check it out. SOrry Diego has left your life...but Buzz is a space ranger...
Morgan- 45th percent, huh? I KNEW Harry wasn't that short! I figured that woudln't happen until middle school! Hope Iz had a great birthday! :-)