Thursday, July 27, 2006

What to do...

How do you entertain an active 2 year old in a body cast? Well, he does most of it himself. There's Dora and Joe and Steve (the two latter gentlemen are from Blue's Clues), there is a lot of Play-doh, a pen and his notebook...and his "guys", his entourage (Snoedel, Baby, Blanket), are never far behind.
I do my best to entertain as necessary. There are bike rides, car rides, trips to "the ice cream store" we brought out the rocking moose (think rocking horse) and hopped back on the hippity hop. We chat and sing. Harry sings Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star now. Harry entertains me with animal sounds. "Cocka-Doo" comes with chicken-like arm movements. There is moo-ing and "Ooooh-Ah!" to imitate monkeys. And naturally, the walrus says "Coo-coo-cho!"
We play catch on the steps. We swing at the park and go for wagon rides when it is not too steaming hot. And we visit Menike and friends to say "Hi."
Some of my friends stop by, we wait for presents in the mail (some of which I ordred at this point, but it's still exciting!), Kevin plays hockey and I have been doing a better job than usual of maintaining my marathon training. Harry "swims" and flies aroudn the room, shouting "up up away!" Still, we really hope the cast comes off in 1 week!


Anonymous said...

How about thumb wrestling???

Kimberly said...

THanks for the reminder, Meg. We tried hand smacking at Costco. We will do thumb wrestling today at IKEA.