Monday, November 15, 2004


Let me start off with a big shout out to Casey's Dad. Casey's Dad always provides us with such thoughtful comments at the bottom of our blogs. Or rather, my blogs. Never Kevin's blogs. Anyway, thanks Casey's dad!

In other news, our little one has started finger foods! He is fascinated by them, but he can not put them in his mouth himself yet, but he likes it when we do. I am still a little worried about Cheerios, but Gerber makes little puffy things that dissolve more easily. Harry's Aunt Toni suggested he may be less likely to choke on those. Even though he makes faces, he likes them a lot. He seems to be getting used to the new texture on his tongue. He makes monkey faces while he eats them.

Harry also was able to get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth. He has not been crawling wind up toy style yet, but if you hold a slice of pizza in front of him, he can move pretty quickly! I think he has been taking pointers from Bailey!

Harry also made it to his first big birthday party- his cousin Dominic's 4th! It was a very loud soccer party, and he had a blast! His last big party, his Wiccaning, was rather traumatic for him. I think he is finally getting used to social events. He was okay with getting passed around he had a blast running around the field with his dad (who, by the way, needed to buy himself a new shirt after having so much fun he sweated through the first!).

I think with all of Harry's new skills, he will be in good spirits come holiday time!


Casey's Dad said...

I too would be scared if I was Wiccaned.

Casey's Dad said...

...and thanks for the shout out!