Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Okay, Okay, Okay. Before you read any further, I know I promised to not say another word about breastfeeding...but it keeps coming up!
My college roommate, Leanne, sent me this link today:

Dennis Prager: Breast-feeding as religion
Thought you might enjoy reading this article. Dennis Prager is a conservative Jewish
speaker and radio show host that I listen to on occassion. I can't say I agree with everything
he says but he does make me think.

It is a short article, and sort of explains why the issue gets under my skin. So, read it or don't read it. I am just glad my own comments are encouraging people to think (not that any of you don't...I just mean that it is something I never thought much about, until I had to). So, thanks to those of you who are paying attention! :-)

1 comment:

Casey's Dad said...

I chose not to read it.