Saturday, March 19, 2005


Harry climbed to the top of the stairs today! I suppose I should have discouraged this behavior, but as a rock climber, this was one of the highligts of my life thus far! I stayed two steps behind him the whole time, and the carpet is heavily padded...It was very cool!
He also let me walk him down the driveway with only ONE hand! As you may know, Harry has a significant preferance for only walking while holding on to two hands. Looks like he may be walking soon. Bye bye chiropractor!
Kevin had food posioning last night, for possibly the 10th time since I have known him. This meant I had to wake up with Harry last night. Sure, he'd been sleeping through the night the whole time I was gone, but last nigt he woke up. He may have gone back to sleep, except that I am the morning person, so he saw me, and could not have been more awake. Totally freaked me out too, since I have been catching glimpses of way too many previews of The Ring 2.
Since Kevin's Hockey refs are off strike (not NHL but Mt. Vernon rec league) he had a game tonight so we missed two birthday parties. But we did get to BBQ with the Barnets. Lindsey and Miguel were visiting. Harry got to flirt with everyone.
Oh, and Harry had a blast with the accountant today! He got all dressed up in his polo shirt and grabbed his cellphone to head out to Rockville. Big surprise, he is now a fan of calculators!
Harry also chased Bailey today and played on his swingset. I think he is more than aware that his swing sucks. It is a baby swing. He likes the slide though. After a couple of tries, he wouldn't let Kevin actually sit him at the top. He just kept trying to slide right down. It was funny. Harry is a blast! I don't know how we got so lucky. He is such a happy kid.

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