Thursday, March 03, 2005

Lately, I have been struggling with negative energy. I like to be a positive person (sometimes bordering on perky), but lately I seem to be surrounded by people who bring me down. I know other people like to be surrounded by positive energy as well, whether they realize it or not. And I certainly want my son to be a happy person, someone others like to be around, and someone who enjoys his own company.
I grew up surrounded by
people who dreamed of vacations that were within their reach, never taking them. People who spoke in terms of one day, knowing full well one day would never come. One day only comes if you make it happen. So many quotes come to mind to describe this: All men die, but not all men truly live (Braveheart) or Ships are safe at harbor, but thats not what ships are made for (Unknown)and most appropriately, Just Do It! (Nike). I know I can drive my dear husband up a wall by insisting that anything we decide we are going to do must be done now. He has started asking me my time frame, for anything from Harry should take Karate (when he is 3 or 4) to we should go to Florida (it is possible I booked the trip before telling him).
I love television as much as
the next person, but I dont want to sit on my ass watching it for the rest of my life, while eating chips and a cheesesteak. I dont want Harry to do that either (but I do plan to be careful that he does not become over scheduled).
On another note, Jennifer Lopez was on
the Today Show today. When Matt Lauer asked her if this year was better for her than last year, she looked genuinely confused. Her response was Just because things don’t go 100% the way you want them to, doesn’t mean it’s been a bad year." I fully agree with that statement. I think I even wrote about it the other day. I hope Harry grows up to see things this way, and I fully intend to guide him along that path…the path to having smiling eyes, a firm handshake, and an easy smile.
I found this article today in my hotmail account. I have dealt with fatigue for years. I blame yeast and dairy, but it is something that is difficult to remove from your diet in this country. So, again, I was watching the Today Show and this guy Jon Gordan was on. He sends me free newsletters, and they have some good tips. Tips like drinking green tea, not hitting snooze and staying positive. If you are interested, read on. I especially like the tips at the bottom, and I intend to work on them.

Have a "Big Bang" Mindset

"Power is the faculty or capacity to act, the strength and potency to accomplish something. It is the vital energy to make choices and decisions. It also includes the capacity to overcome deeply embedded habits and to cultivate higher, more effective ones."
-Steven R. Covey

Life is a choice. And everyday you can choose to have a big bang mindset. You can choose to believe that you create your life everyday through your words, thoughts, choices and actions. While we have all been created, we now have the opportunity to create our lives one thought, one word, one choice, one action, one energy source at a time.

Where Richard Carlson tells us not to sweat the small stuff, and he's right, I believe that life is all about the little things. We don't create our lives by focusing on the big things. The big projects, the big promotion, the big car, the big house. Rather we create our life by doing the little things and allowing the big things to happen. If we read one book a week for 30 years that equals 1560 books. That's a lot of knowledge. If we put basil in a burrito instead of cilantro the taste would change dramatically. The difference between rain and snow is only a few degrees. They say football is a game of inches. To reduce crime in New York City, Mayor Rudy Guilianni focused on preventing small crimes. What he and the world found out was when you arrest people for small crimes you get big reductions in murders and other felonies. As someone who has owned restaurants, I have found that a restaurant's success is all about the little things. Success is built one customer, one meal, one ingredient at a time. Our lives are no different.

When we have a big bang mindset we accept responsibility for our life. We know that we have the power to create success or succumb to failure. Our life is the result of each choice we make and each action we take every day. A positive thought leads to a new opportunity in your life. A positive conversation with a group of people leads to a plethora of new friends and contacts. Walking in the morning before work makes you feel more energized which leads to a promotion. Choosing fruit, nuts and raisins as snacks instead of snickers bars and chips on a daily basis makes a big difference in your health and energy level. Drinking Green Tea instead of coffee in the afternoon day after day will increase your energy over time and help protect you against cancer. It's not the big things that you do once that matter. It's the little things that you do every minute of every day that means everything. With a Big Bang mindset you realize that life is a series of seconds and moments that when added together equals your life. You are a work in progress, a creation that is still being created. Therefore with a big bang mindset you seize each moment to create the life you want. You create your life one thought, one word, one choice, one action at a time.

Action Steps

1. Focus on your thoughts. Are you choosing positive thoughts or negative thoughts?

2. Focus on your words. Are you surrounding yourself with positive words or negative words? Are you speaking positively about life or are you always complaining.

3. Focus on your choices. Are you making good choices that benefit you or bad choices that hurt you?

4. Focus on your actions. What are you doing to create your life? Do you have a good plan and not follow through or do you take action on your positive thoughts and plans.

May your day be filled with boundless energy!

phone: 904.285.6842


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