Monday, March 28, 2005

Harrys First Birthday is just around the corner.

On his actual birthday, April 22nd, we will be spending the day at the zoo, and possibly eating cannolis in the afternoon.

There will be a limited crowd, as this is a Friday, and since they do not recommend having parties at the zoo until you are 4 years old.

But, if you want to join us, let me know! I will give you the details.

His party, the one we were somewhat coerced into having, but are nonetheless looking forward to, will be on Saturday, April 23. All are welcome. Invitations will be going out next week, but if you do not get one, you are still welcome to join us. It will be a casual gathering at the house. And how do I phrase this properlypresents are not required. Seriously. Harry has lots of stuff already. It has just been recommended that we all need to get together more often, so this is the main reason for the party. There will be cake. Beer. Soda. Most likely food from Chicken Out. Some balloons. Kevin said no ponies. Also no blow up castles. Maybe next year.

But, and how do I say this properly? If you do feel the need to buy something because you are, say, his immediate family, I am not lying when I say that he wears a 2T. 24 months is probably just as good. He does fit in 18 months, but use your judgment. He has a big head and a big butt. He is not that into videos at the moment. He can use some swimmy diapers…the size above 26 pounds. Beach towels are cool. Peek-a-block toys. CHEAP PLASTIC TOYS are his favorite. Request toddler toys the next time you get a happy meal. He will be thrilled. Russian language books. Pictures of himself. He has more books than a library, but we could use a place to put them! He likes swings that go high, so a nice big oak in the backyard would be awesome!

By the way, Harry's other favorite thing to do is growl. Like a monster. "Rooooooooooooooo-arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

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