Wednesday, June 29, 2005 is under contract! It pretty much sold the second it went on sale...which is very cool but not unexpected in this neighborhood. The house sold to a family that is 7.5 months pregnant. We loved Geoff and Corey, the first people who looked at it, but it does seem like these other folks need it more. I hope they enjoy themselves here.

Soooooo, now I can go buy the mini van that I need. I need cup holders. I know there is an SUV commercial making fun of people who need cup holders, but that's okay. May just bought one. And K&K and G&B love theirs as well. What's so derogatory about being a soccer mom anyway? Sports are important. It is important to be well rounded. Sports provide stress release and improve focus and aid in good mental health. Soccer good. Plus, we have images of Stacy's Mom to aim for. Plus, 90% of people surveyed think SUV drivers are un-patriotic. Pete still has the Merceds SUV on his lot...but it doesn't have as many cupholders...or seats, or cargo space...

We enjoyed a casual dinner with Dan & Janie tonight. We all cooked. I almost literally Chickened Out and stop there for my broccolli and rice...but I dug in my heels and boiled some water. I think my portion turned out excellent, as did teh others. We do need to look into getting a bigger dining room table now, though. We started pricing porch swings and adirondacks for the new place...WAY ceaper than I thought, so we may be able to afford dining room furniture after all.

Harry was very well behaved during dinner. This is not atypical, but he had already eaten his dinner when we started ours. Normally when he is done eating he wants OUT of that chair. Plus, someone packed up his crayons so we didn't have that option. He has been into drawing lately. He has created quite a few works of art.

Recent news...cousin Zoe came by for a visit while stuck in DC on her journey up the east coast...I remember 16. Do you? Zoe is great, and we were glad she got to meet the little bug.

Harry is way into straws right now. Have to remember to keep those diet cokes away from him. He drank down my lemonade this weekend...but it entertaind him for an hour at the Gnats game where we got to hang out with Mikki and Lynchie for the first time in a while. Hopefully we will have some more time to interact once Harry's new friend is born.

Uncle Dunkey stopped by tonight to prove he can show up while I am at home.
He usually only stops by when I am away.

Uncle Dunkey is funny. Meant to post a month or so ago last time he baby sat...he was very worried about doing a good job, or at least suspecting we thought he would not. Very funny. I suspect anyone who is worried about doing a good job doesn't need us to worry. He has energy and common sense. And a cell phone. And he likes the little guy. He gets my vote for the best baby sitter award (no small thanks to Mrs. Uncle Dunkey---who just started her new job! Hope it went well!!!).

Took some time off today to go to the pool with H and A. H likes to jump in. No fear whatsoever. We are going to need to work on that for those times when no one is looking. He also spent about half an hour sharing a rock with the lifeguard. Poor kid. I don't think he knew when he could stop (the lifeguard, that is). Luckily, no one else was in the water!

Melissa and Pete Deacon get married this weekend. I pick up my Shrek Green bridesmaid dress this today. $80 worth of alterations for my size 16 bridesmaid dress. I wasn't a size 16 when I was pregnant. I'm 5'1". It's pretty hard to be a size 16 when you are my height, but they insisted. The color makes me look like Princess Fiona (not the most attractive of teh princesses), but I am the one who pushed for Kiwi. Shhhh! It's still better than raspberry!

The dress is actually a great cut. ANd I LOVE bridesmaid dresses in general! Really. Did you read above? I also like Mini Vans...and the weather channel. Storm stories rock! Harry likes teh weather maps.

What I don't like? Rude people who are hateful and negative and attempt to suck the life out of you. Ugh! I need to go running and release some negative energy befor my Karma gets all messed up. It's been shaky lately. I try to give myself the advice I would give others, but that's no fun! The situation is being corrected. I need to let it go. I don't want it to rub off on H.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Well, it looks like we bought a new house! We had the home inspection today, and NOTHING IS WRONG WITH IT! Whew! Let's hope it stays that way!

We had not been planning to jump into anything quite so soon, but after looking at a few and seeing how much work most of them needed, we decided we really like the one we found! (See photo below). Walking through, it wasnÂ’t too hard to picture how most of our things would fit in, because we seem to have most of the same things as the people who already live there (the bikes & wetsuits, the computers, the dog,even the 1 year old!). Other aspects of the house, such as the new kitchen, have all of the features that we would add if we were to design it ourselves (the stainless steel appliances, the undermount sink, even the drawer pulls). The gated front porch is a great feature. I canÂ’t wait to add some Adirondack chairs, a porch swing, and a couple of hanging ferns! We also love the flagstone patio and pathway in the backyard, as well as the magnolia tree. I am going to miss the hydrangea I have been nurturing over the past year (we got it to turn blue & purple!), but hopefully we will find a good spot to plant a new one.

We lived in Delray for a while, and somehow ended up further down the parkway when we bought our current house a little more than 2 years ago. We are now looking forward to moving back to the City of Alexandria, where we will be closer to our friends, our jobs (no more commuting through Old Town with it'’s bridge construction and 25 traffic lights) and even the Rec. Center (Chinquapin) & dog park. A few of our friends are now even in walking distance!

The neighborhood appears friendly and well cared for. The current homeowners confirmed that, and friend Kelly added that a few of Hannah's classmates live close by to the new place. We will miss a couple of our current neighbors, but we are looking forward to gaining back the sense of community with left behind in Delray.

I think we would all be very happy there. It was also the only place we looked at that Harrison seemed to feel comfortable in. It also doesnÂ’t hurt that there is a playground right across the street.

I guess in a way we will be ending a chapter of our lives. The house we are leaving is the first house weÂ've owned. It is where we first brought Harry home to, and celebrated his 1st birthday. It'’s where he learned how to walk. It's also where we've spent hours chatting with friends over dinner and drinks. It's close to where Kevin plays hockey, Harry swims, and I run. But, the floors are crooked, the roof leaks, the dishwasher only opens halfway.

QUOTE OF THE DAY - When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. Alexander Graham Bell (1847 - 1922)

Looking forward to the first champagne toast. Oh, and by the the, we met the dogs today. Turns out there are 2. I heard them barking as I approached. Could have sworn it was Bailey...and it was. A beagle named Bailey who looks just like our chick (maybe with a few extra pounds) and her pal Ginger! Ginger is a rescue and Bailey, ironically, is a 7 year old pedigree. I am assuming they have the same quirks. So, this means the house is not only baby proofed, but Bailey proofed!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Keep your fingers crossed! I think we bought a house!

P.S. Hope all of the dad's out there had a great father's day!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Coppertone Kid

Is it bad that one of my subconscious goals is to lighten Harry's hair and tan his skin?
He makes such a cute beach baby! And he LOVES to be outside!

Spent another day at the pool. Made a new friend on our block (Ella. She's one, too!). Got to see Janie, who's been very sick for a while. Also enjoyed the beautiful evening in Old Town. Some music from the Waterfront Festival filled the air.

New molars are coming in. Ouch! Sad, drooly, and a little bit attached to Mommy. Just Mommy. Except I am "Mammy." I shoudl start calling Harry Scarlet. I think Kevin is "MaMa." Food is called "Yummy." All food. ANother new word is "Bwah," as in: "Bwah, bwah, bwah." It is possible that it is translated to mean "Blah, blah, blah," as in "All you people say is 'Blah, blah, blah!' " Or, it could be the sound made when he covers his mouth with his hand, something else he learned to do last week.

Did I mention he is the cutest? And so sweet!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

All By Myself

Everyone said once Harry started to walk, things would get harder. Once again, everyone was wrong.
Finally, I am able to take care of Harry by myself for extended periods of time. Things are SO much easier!

For the past year, I have blamed my back for not being able to take care of Harry alone for extended periods. Well, my back is on the road to recovery, and I can put Harry down when I need to...this single parent stuff is a snap!

Granted, I am still rarely a single parent. Today I picked Harry up to go to the pool early, and tonight Kevin was out house hunting. Aidan got to spend the entire day with a McDermott!

I was able to take care of Harry at the pool, get him home through very bad traffic, feed him, bathe him and put him to bed. No pain. No anxiety. No problem!

I have praised Kevin all along for his ability to take care of Harry alone while I traveled. I told him that if things were reversed, I would not be able to swing it. Physically, I could not carry him around. It was a little bit sad...well, maybe it wasn't, but now that things have improved, I am a little sad that I didn't get to this point sooner.

Next time I am pregnant, no sneezing! That is how I threw my back out to begin with. I am done with sneezes.

It also helps that Harry is better able to communicate. That helps whether you are at home or away. We called Kevin while he was at his second house. Plain as day, Harry said "I love you!" much easier!
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Spoke to soon...

It seems my apology to Pooh may have been unwarranted.
Harry's new words of the week include yummy, happy, and baby.
"Yummy, yummy, yummy" is oft overheard at dinner.
The rest of the time "Happy, happy, happy. Baby, happy, happy, happy."
I shake my head at teh little weirdo. But I do so with a big grin on my face!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon…
(What I was doing last week while Kevin was home with H)

That’s the song that runs through my head whenever I travel. Especially on long trips. Like last week in Boston.

Here’s the story behind Harry Chapin’s song:

Here’s the story surrounding Harry McDermott:

It’s been over a year now since Harry arrived via C-section. Almost 14 months!

Some people give you a “that’s okay, maybe next time look” when they hear about the caesarean…except for my urologist who can hardly contain her joy. Less kegels for me!

Although I panicked for ten minutes leading up to the event, I originally wanted one (a C-section) - actually, it has been my preferred method of childbirth since I learned of it in the early 80s. I KNOW how wide my hips are. I can do some math.

I think the surgery went very well. Tiny scar, healthy baby. Why would anyone want a natural child birth? Why would a woman CHOOSE to feel like she is being ripped apart from the inside out? I just cannot understand it. Sure, women have given birth naturally for many, many years. Many, many of them died. I am sure many, many of them would have preferred to be sedated, and in a hospital, and with nurses to take care of them. This is the abridged version of my rant. Most of you are familiar.

I had a few weeks off after Harry was born, but soon it was back to work. I wouldn’t exactly say panic ensued, but I was a bit nervous about the planes I had to catch. From the moment he was born, Harry was the greatest person, and he deserves to have a mom. I don’t have a whole lot of control over whether my plane stays in the air, but I do try to weave some Wiccan magick.

There are bills to pay. Student loans, mortgages, credit cards…but I think I would work regardless. On the days when I spend 24 hours with Harry, I feel like I miss out on quality time. I feel like I spend so much more concentrated time with him when we only have a few hours together in a day. I also think vacations are important, a bigger house, and lots of opportunities. These things might sound materialistic to some, but I think these things make our lives better, especially the vacations. I treasure the time we spend together as a family.

I think it is okay if Harry misses us a little. I think it is okay if he experiences things without us. I think we are all well suited to the life we currently lead. I think spending a little bit of time apart helps us appreciate each other more.

Harry learns some new things while he is at school, or during the times I am away, but most things he learns develop over time. He didn’t learn to walk in one day. It’s been a process. He plays a lot of things very cool anyway, so it’s not as if he gets that excited over new things anyway! Often, when he does something new, he acts as though it is no big deal and life’s always been that way. I can understand that.

I also think I set a good example for Harry by going to work. I have stated these things before. If you want my entire view on this, shoot me an email. Happy to discuss. Also, for the record, I have the utmost respect for people who choose to stay home with their kids and enjoy the time spent with them. The utmost respect. The same is not true for those who seem miserable with their choices and take it out on their kids. Big difference.

Back to Harry...

He’s been talking as long as I’ve known him. You just have to listen. Being away hasn’t ruined that. It’s made me listen harder. He doesn't always use consonants, but he goes on and on and on and on...

He’s already so much like me, but with his father’s passion for cookies! When I was a kid, I craved adventure. I didn’t want to stay home. And I was independent. I remember the thoughts I had as a very young child. Harry is fine. I have few worries about Harry.

I’ve liked Cat’s in the Cradle for a very long time. It’s run through my head for a long time, even when I was a child. I decided back then what kind of life I would have, and what kind of parent I’d be. Things have turned out pretty much as planned. Only, when I was younger and I heard the song, I worried that I wouldn’t make time for my family. I now think I make a very conscious effort to have lots of quality time together, and to make up for any lost time as much as possible. I think I may be neglecting Kevin a little, tiny bit.

I know Harry misses me when I am gone, but we do have a good time when I get home. He still has boundaries to follow. I don’t spoil him to make up for lost time, unless you consider crawling around on the floor together spoiling. Harry knows he is loved, and he is thriving.

I will need to work on that part of the equation. I think the song has made me very aware of what can result from our choices.

Cat's in the Cradle
by Sandy & Harry Chapin

My child arrived just the other day,
He came to the world in the usual way.
But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay.
He learned to walk while I was away.
And he was talking 'fore I knew it, and as he grew,
He'd say, "I'm gonna be like you, dad.
You know I'm gonna be like you."

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When you coming home, dad?" "I don't know when,
But we'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."

My son turned ten just the other day.
He said, "Thanks for the ball, dad, come on let's play.
Can you teach me to throw?" I said, "Not today,
I got a lot to do." He said, "That's ok."
And he walked away, but his smile never dimmmed,
Said, "I'm gonna be like him, yeah.
You know I'm gonna be like him."

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When you coming home, dad?" "I don't know when,
But we'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."

Well, he came from college just the other day,
So much like a man I just had to say,
"Son, I'm proud of you. Can you sit for a while?"
He shook his head, and he said with a smile,
"What I'd really like, dad, is to borrow the car keys.
See you later. Can I have them please?"

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When you coming home, son?" "I don't know when,
But we'll get together then, dad.
You know we'll have a good time then."

I've long since retired and my son's moved away.
I called him up just the other day.
I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind."
He said, "I'd love to, dad, if I could find the time.
You see, my new job's a hassle, and the kid's got the flu,
But it's sure nice talking to you, dad.
It's been sure nice talking to you."
And as I hung up the phone, it occurred to me,
He'd grown up just like me.
My boy was just like me.

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man in the moon.
"When you coming home, son?" "I don't know when,
But we'll get together then, dad.
You know we'll have a good time then."

Monday, June 13, 2005


Spent the weekend meeting social obligations. Not complaining. Happy to do it!

(Especially when it doesn't involve bridesmaid dresses!)

Friday Harry and I swam with May & Kelly...Saturday Tara and I got to stop at Starbuck's for snacks before our roadtrip to Mikkis baby shower while Kevin & Harry hit the new Caps facility in Ballston for fun and gamesSunday we all made it up to Marlton for Isabellas 2nd birthday.

Very hot weekend. Sticky. Becoming addicted to $4 iced tea from Starbuck's...broke down today to make my own from the water cooler I've been ignoring in my kitchen and the $2.00 crate of tea in the garage from Costco...

Toni had pools and sprinklers for Isabellas party. And lots of little rowdies around. I think the rowdiest of all was Julia, a tiny 4 year old with the biggest splash to her cannonball!

Lots of group cannonballs in the wading pool. 4 at a time. Guess who decides to join in? Didnt seem to matter that he cant run or jump. He had heart. I think Vince Lombardi might agree that heart is what it takes to make a champion...

As the others were running towards the pool, they swerved out of the way as Harry ran towards them, only to turn around and start running back towards the pool and hit the soft side at full force. Then giggle!

Harry seems to have outgrown his crowd anxiety. (Remember at his Baby Blessing? Sure, he was only a few weeks old...). He does his best to keep up with the big kids.

Ari helped him bounce in the blow up bouncy thing, he goes nuts for cake (yeah, the non-vegan variety that turns his face different colors from the dye), and he goes nuts when Uncle Charlie brings out "the claw." He also likes his quiet time on the swing, sitting quietly with Pop Pop in lieu of a nap, and cooking on Isabella's stove. He scambled up something. I don't have any idea where he learned to do such a thing...maybe he's been paying attention to the TV afterall? Bam! Must be Emeril!

Harry has been waiting months to be able to walk. I am so happy that he was able to run and play with the kids this weekend! He was almost as giggly as he was at Disney World!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

A few random thoughts, as I've not posted in a while. Not that anyone's indicated as such lately, but just some things to get out...

I've been reassured repeatedly by Kim that Harry's newfound bully-ish behavior at daycare is to be expected of a 1 year-old boy who is apparently quite a bit stronger (of mind AND body) than the others in his class. Others seem to find it amusing, but it certainly concerns me... I've always (yes always... For this whole entire year) wondered how I'd react if my son turned out to be a bully. Of course these same "others" are even more amused watching me try to reason with him that the swing isn't really "his" and that he needs to share with everyone. Anyone who knows me knows how much I sincerely appreciate a good laugh at my expense.

Have been doing the single dad thing quite a bit this month, as Kim's unfortunately been hammered with work trips. This week has been particularly tough, but she finally gets to come home tonight... I know Harry and Bailey are both absolutely sick of me by now, so it should be a welcome break. For me, I've come to rationalize it by another amongst many reversals in our lives together... Since Kim and I never really "dated" while living apart (living in sin from day 1), this must be what it's like. You spend most of the week apart, talking on the phone or over email, then the weekend is a whirlwind of compressed social activity whilst you try to get everything accomplished and see everyone you're supposed to before Monday comes, and then it all starts over.

that being said, I'd say it's a pretty sure bet that if we were in fact dating at this point, Kim would certainly have kicked me to the curb quite some time ago. It seems that all of this time apart has made Kevin at best, a very sour & cranky individual. I'd like to take a moment to offer as public an apology I can for my behavior lately.

I'm sorry.

I'm not going to offer any excuses for it, so we'll leave it at that and I will do my best to move on and be a happier person.

While we're on the subject of apologies, I'd also like to offer one to my late grandmother, Stella McDermott. Certainly one of the more vivid memories I have of time spent at the McDermott house in Uncasville CT, is sitting at the table trying in vain to finish off a lunchtime staple of Ham & brown mustard on pumpernickle bread. I never could stand the taste or texture of any of it, but that's what was for lunch, and that's what you were obligated to finish. Fast-forward to lunchtime, Wednesday, June 8, 2005. Kevin heads across Leesburg Pike to the New York Deli for a sandwich, and orders, you guessed it, the selection that includes none other than Ham (and pastrami) and asks specifically for brown mustard and pumpernickle bread?!?! As I headed back to my office to polish it off, I suddenly thought of myself sitting at her kitchen table choking it down as a kid.

Grandma... I'm sorry for never finishing my lunch.

Who knew.

Talk about full circle...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Not It!

“Not it!” seems to be what Harry picked up over the Memorial Day Holiday.

With an extra day of diaper changing duty to share, Kevin and I began calling out these words the second we smelled something not-so-good.

More often then not, it was nothing…but we shouted “Not It!” just to be safe, just to avoid having to change one more #2 diaper.

I guess Harry caught on, although not completely. After saying “Hi” to everyone showing up at Daycare on Tuesday (everyone refers to me, another mom and Menike’s husband, and if I recall correctly, Sid, who popped out from behind some playground equipment), he called “Not it!” as we were leaving. Maybe he felt a little grumble action going on? Who’s to say.

So, Tuesday afternoon, after much fun had over the weekend, we headed to Aidan’s for a play date (yes, Aidan is 32 but we can still have play dates). Harry brought his tea set. After a couple of years of rolling my eyes at Paul’s little buddy’s “Mermaid Hair” and Dominic’s Ruby Slippers, I decided there was nothing wrong with a pink and purple princess tea set (still searching for the Starbuck’s mini barista set). Harry really liked Isabella’s set, so I picked one up at Target. It didn’t come in GI Joe.

Harry likes that he can open the lid of the giant tea cup and put things in and take them out. He likes to stack the cups. He likes to pretend he is eating and drinking. He gets to practice using a spoon. Nothing girly about it. I’ve said for a while now, give him a newspaper and drop him off at the coffee shop and he’ll be happy for hours. I guess the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Harry also developed a fascination with Mardi Gras beads. There was a Mardi Gras dance at the Wiley’s Beachcomber campground, as well as a Mardi Gras themed bike parade, so there were lots of beads hanging around. Harry learned how to put them on himself and seemed to enjoy wearing them. But, with a little Hawaiian shirt on, he looked more like Charlie Sheen than a little girl playing dress up.

A little Charlie Sheen…sure, the connotation has its drawbacks, but Charlie always plays the cool guy that everyone wants to hang out with. Harry strikes me as this type. I can’t seem to get the image out of my head of our next vacation taking us to Ireland, where we find Harry in a bar, surrounded by a crowd of happy old guys with long eyebrows, telling stories and singing. Kevin asked if this was really how I wanted to picture my son…maybe we’ll wait a few years to take that trip! Meantime, he can just practice the choreography to "Tommy K."

Harry spent the rest of the Memorial Day holiday on his bike. I’d guess a good 12 hours. At least twice he fell asleep while riding. He would start at 7 in the morning. It was a good way to get him out of the house so the Deckers could sleep undisturbed. The first lap would usually take an hour, with several other jaunts mixed in throughout the day.

A good portion of the weekend was also spent at the playground. The swings are cool, but nothing beats the slide, sitting up or lying down. We gave Harry the freedom to climb the large flat steps himself. Once at the top, he didn’t have the patience to sit. Down he went! The purest joy I’ve ever seen.

I enjoyed the slide as a child, but my favorite was the swings. After watching Bobby and Cindy Brady attempt to break a World Record on the Teeter Totter, I figured it could be done on a swing too. I was fed so much candy back then, I probably could have done it.