Wednesday, June 29, 2005 is under contract! It pretty much sold the second it went on sale...which is very cool but not unexpected in this neighborhood. The house sold to a family that is 7.5 months pregnant. We loved Geoff and Corey, the first people who looked at it, but it does seem like these other folks need it more. I hope they enjoy themselves here.

Soooooo, now I can go buy the mini van that I need. I need cup holders. I know there is an SUV commercial making fun of people who need cup holders, but that's okay. May just bought one. And K&K and G&B love theirs as well. What's so derogatory about being a soccer mom anyway? Sports are important. It is important to be well rounded. Sports provide stress release and improve focus and aid in good mental health. Soccer good. Plus, we have images of Stacy's Mom to aim for. Plus, 90% of people surveyed think SUV drivers are un-patriotic. Pete still has the Merceds SUV on his lot...but it doesn't have as many cupholders...or seats, or cargo space...

We enjoyed a casual dinner with Dan & Janie tonight. We all cooked. I almost literally Chickened Out and stop there for my broccolli and rice...but I dug in my heels and boiled some water. I think my portion turned out excellent, as did teh others. We do need to look into getting a bigger dining room table now, though. We started pricing porch swings and adirondacks for the new place...WAY ceaper than I thought, so we may be able to afford dining room furniture after all.

Harry was very well behaved during dinner. This is not atypical, but he had already eaten his dinner when we started ours. Normally when he is done eating he wants OUT of that chair. Plus, someone packed up his crayons so we didn't have that option. He has been into drawing lately. He has created quite a few works of art.

Recent news...cousin Zoe came by for a visit while stuck in DC on her journey up the east coast...I remember 16. Do you? Zoe is great, and we were glad she got to meet the little bug.

Harry is way into straws right now. Have to remember to keep those diet cokes away from him. He drank down my lemonade this weekend...but it entertaind him for an hour at the Gnats game where we got to hang out with Mikki and Lynchie for the first time in a while. Hopefully we will have some more time to interact once Harry's new friend is born.

Uncle Dunkey stopped by tonight to prove he can show up while I am at home.
He usually only stops by when I am away.

Uncle Dunkey is funny. Meant to post a month or so ago last time he baby sat...he was very worried about doing a good job, or at least suspecting we thought he would not. Very funny. I suspect anyone who is worried about doing a good job doesn't need us to worry. He has energy and common sense. And a cell phone. And he likes the little guy. He gets my vote for the best baby sitter award (no small thanks to Mrs. Uncle Dunkey---who just started her new job! Hope it went well!!!).

Took some time off today to go to the pool with H and A. H likes to jump in. No fear whatsoever. We are going to need to work on that for those times when no one is looking. He also spent about half an hour sharing a rock with the lifeguard. Poor kid. I don't think he knew when he could stop (the lifeguard, that is). Luckily, no one else was in the water!

Melissa and Pete Deacon get married this weekend. I pick up my Shrek Green bridesmaid dress this today. $80 worth of alterations for my size 16 bridesmaid dress. I wasn't a size 16 when I was pregnant. I'm 5'1". It's pretty hard to be a size 16 when you are my height, but they insisted. The color makes me look like Princess Fiona (not the most attractive of teh princesses), but I am the one who pushed for Kiwi. Shhhh! It's still better than raspberry!

The dress is actually a great cut. ANd I LOVE bridesmaid dresses in general! Really. Did you read above? I also like Mini Vans...and the weather channel. Storm stories rock! Harry likes teh weather maps.

What I don't like? Rude people who are hateful and negative and attempt to suck the life out of you. Ugh! I need to go running and release some negative energy befor my Karma gets all messed up. It's been shaky lately. I try to give myself the advice I would give others, but that's no fun! The situation is being corrected. I need to let it go. I don't want it to rub off on H.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there is nothing wrong with cupholders!! I love them. So did you not sell the house to the people whose parents were going to buy it??
You want to be like Stacy's mom too? I thought I was the only weirdo who aspired to that!!! Hope you had a nice time at the wedding... can't wait to see pics.