Monday, June 13, 2005


Spent the weekend meeting social obligations. Not complaining. Happy to do it!

(Especially when it doesn't involve bridesmaid dresses!)

Friday Harry and I swam with May & Kelly...Saturday Tara and I got to stop at Starbuck's for snacks before our roadtrip to Mikkis baby shower while Kevin & Harry hit the new Caps facility in Ballston for fun and gamesSunday we all made it up to Marlton for Isabellas 2nd birthday.

Very hot weekend. Sticky. Becoming addicted to $4 iced tea from Starbuck's...broke down today to make my own from the water cooler I've been ignoring in my kitchen and the $2.00 crate of tea in the garage from Costco...

Toni had pools and sprinklers for Isabellas party. And lots of little rowdies around. I think the rowdiest of all was Julia, a tiny 4 year old with the biggest splash to her cannonball!

Lots of group cannonballs in the wading pool. 4 at a time. Guess who decides to join in? Didnt seem to matter that he cant run or jump. He had heart. I think Vince Lombardi might agree that heart is what it takes to make a champion...

As the others were running towards the pool, they swerved out of the way as Harry ran towards them, only to turn around and start running back towards the pool and hit the soft side at full force. Then giggle!

Harry seems to have outgrown his crowd anxiety. (Remember at his Baby Blessing? Sure, he was only a few weeks old...). He does his best to keep up with the big kids.

Ari helped him bounce in the blow up bouncy thing, he goes nuts for cake (yeah, the non-vegan variety that turns his face different colors from the dye), and he goes nuts when Uncle Charlie brings out "the claw." He also likes his quiet time on the swing, sitting quietly with Pop Pop in lieu of a nap, and cooking on Isabella's stove. He scambled up something. I don't have any idea where he learned to do such a thing...maybe he's been paying attention to the TV afterall? Bam! Must be Emeril!

Harry has been waiting months to be able to walk. I am so happy that he was able to run and play with the kids this weekend! He was almost as giggly as he was at Disney World!

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