Thursday, June 16, 2005

All By Myself

Everyone said once Harry started to walk, things would get harder. Once again, everyone was wrong.
Finally, I am able to take care of Harry by myself for extended periods of time. Things are SO much easier!

For the past year, I have blamed my back for not being able to take care of Harry alone for extended periods. Well, my back is on the road to recovery, and I can put Harry down when I need to...this single parent stuff is a snap!

Granted, I am still rarely a single parent. Today I picked Harry up to go to the pool early, and tonight Kevin was out house hunting. Aidan got to spend the entire day with a McDermott!

I was able to take care of Harry at the pool, get him home through very bad traffic, feed him, bathe him and put him to bed. No pain. No anxiety. No problem!

I have praised Kevin all along for his ability to take care of Harry alone while I traveled. I told him that if things were reversed, I would not be able to swing it. Physically, I could not carry him around. It was a little bit sad...well, maybe it wasn't, but now that things have improved, I am a little sad that I didn't get to this point sooner.

Next time I am pregnant, no sneezing! That is how I threw my back out to begin with. I am done with sneezes.

It also helps that Harry is better able to communicate. That helps whether you are at home or away. We called Kevin while he was at his second house. Plain as day, Harry said "I love you!" much easier!

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