Saturday, June 18, 2005

Coppertone Kid

Is it bad that one of my subconscious goals is to lighten Harry's hair and tan his skin?
He makes such a cute beach baby! And he LOVES to be outside!

Spent another day at the pool. Made a new friend on our block (Ella. She's one, too!). Got to see Janie, who's been very sick for a while. Also enjoyed the beautiful evening in Old Town. Some music from the Waterfront Festival filled the air.

New molars are coming in. Ouch! Sad, drooly, and a little bit attached to Mommy. Just Mommy. Except I am "Mammy." I shoudl start calling Harry Scarlet. I think Kevin is "MaMa." Food is called "Yummy." All food. ANother new word is "Bwah," as in: "Bwah, bwah, bwah." It is possible that it is translated to mean "Blah, blah, blah," as in "All you people say is 'Blah, blah, blah!' " Or, it could be the sound made when he covers his mouth with his hand, something else he learned to do last week.

Did I mention he is the cutest? And so sweet!

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