Thursday, June 09, 2005

A few random thoughts, as I've not posted in a while. Not that anyone's indicated as such lately, but just some things to get out...

I've been reassured repeatedly by Kim that Harry's newfound bully-ish behavior at daycare is to be expected of a 1 year-old boy who is apparently quite a bit stronger (of mind AND body) than the others in his class. Others seem to find it amusing, but it certainly concerns me... I've always (yes always... For this whole entire year) wondered how I'd react if my son turned out to be a bully. Of course these same "others" are even more amused watching me try to reason with him that the swing isn't really "his" and that he needs to share with everyone. Anyone who knows me knows how much I sincerely appreciate a good laugh at my expense.

Have been doing the single dad thing quite a bit this month, as Kim's unfortunately been hammered with work trips. This week has been particularly tough, but she finally gets to come home tonight... I know Harry and Bailey are both absolutely sick of me by now, so it should be a welcome break. For me, I've come to rationalize it by another amongst many reversals in our lives together... Since Kim and I never really "dated" while living apart (living in sin from day 1), this must be what it's like. You spend most of the week apart, talking on the phone or over email, then the weekend is a whirlwind of compressed social activity whilst you try to get everything accomplished and see everyone you're supposed to before Monday comes, and then it all starts over.

that being said, I'd say it's a pretty sure bet that if we were in fact dating at this point, Kim would certainly have kicked me to the curb quite some time ago. It seems that all of this time apart has made Kevin at best, a very sour & cranky individual. I'd like to take a moment to offer as public an apology I can for my behavior lately.

I'm sorry.

I'm not going to offer any excuses for it, so we'll leave it at that and I will do my best to move on and be a happier person.

While we're on the subject of apologies, I'd also like to offer one to my late grandmother, Stella McDermott. Certainly one of the more vivid memories I have of time spent at the McDermott house in Uncasville CT, is sitting at the table trying in vain to finish off a lunchtime staple of Ham & brown mustard on pumpernickle bread. I never could stand the taste or texture of any of it, but that's what was for lunch, and that's what you were obligated to finish. Fast-forward to lunchtime, Wednesday, June 8, 2005. Kevin heads across Leesburg Pike to the New York Deli for a sandwich, and orders, you guessed it, the selection that includes none other than Ham (and pastrami) and asks specifically for brown mustard and pumpernickle bread?!?! As I headed back to my office to polish it off, I suddenly thought of myself sitting at her kitchen table choking it down as a kid.

Grandma... I'm sorry for never finishing my lunch.

Who knew.

Talk about full circle...


Anonymous said...

Muffin, You are STILL the greatest! And I have the greatest taste. You, I am not so sure about. Pumpernickel? Really? I can't believe you caved...but I did the same thing wi

Anonymous said...

Muffin, You are STILL the greatest! And I have the greatest taste. You, I am not so sure about. Pumpernickel? Really? I can't believe you caved...but I did the same thing with peas 12 years ago...on my way in NYC permitting.Can't wait to see you guys :-)