Sunday, October 23, 2005

Water Bug

Took Harry swimming today with Lance. It is amzing to me how far they have come. They seem to really be friends now. They know who each other is, by name, and even give each other hugs. It is very cute.

Harry did really well at the pool. He liked to lay down with his arms behind him in the shallow end, and tene roll over. His face would go under but he didn't mind. He even did one roll three times in a row. I think I saw some of the older kids (3 year olds) doing that at their swim class. Maybe he saw it too!

He also kicks his legs in the water (sometimes, when the mood strikes). He doesn't seem to mind being on his back as much.

I am pleased at how confidant both boys seem in the water. It's amazing to experience!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Aside from family and daycare, Harry really has just the one friend,Lance---he is AWESOME and we met him at swim class. His mom's not so bad either. :-)

Did you get to meet other moms there?
I need to email you. I just got my laptop back!