Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Shaking My Head

My 1 year old (okay, 21 month old, but "1" makes the story better) now gets out of his high chair when he is done eating (with help of course, and after handing me his plate), returns to the TV, grabs the remote and un-pauses Tivo so he can finish watching Blue's Clues. Even more impressive, tonight when we told him it was time to eat, he began to protest, but I told him we could pause Blue until after dinner. He took the remote, paused it, and walked into the dining room. This is the part where I shake my head.

I shake it in awe at Harry's abilities, but I also shake it because we so obviously created a monster. Harry is addicted to Blue's Clues, even more than he ever was with Sesame Street. We wanted him to watch TV in the morning so we could rest from our early morning wake up call. We didn't mean for this TV watching to take on a life of it's own!

After his 1 episode of Blue's Clues was over, we successfully relocated the boy away from the TV. We played blocks and then hid in his playhouse (the indoor one). Harry ran to get Kevin so he could "find" us. Kevin yelled "Boo," he "Huffed and Puffed," he made Harry giggle uncontrollably...and use his imagination. After "Tub," we read "Co-Ca-dile", played blocks, and untangled Mardi Gras Beads. Harry went to bed precisely when we asked him to. So, he does have other activities.

BUT, I don't think TV is all bad. As a researcher, I view a lot of research as flawed and biased- especially when it comes to kids. All kids are different, all families are different, all results are different. Once again, we monitor how TV CURRENTLY affects Harry, and we monitor what he is watching. Teh fact is, it is hard to entertain a toddler. Well, not hard, but tiring! We totally gave in. BUT, we will fix it! Once it is warm, we will return to the greatt outdoors. Keep your fingers crossed that Phil will work his magic on Thursday!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Handy Dandy

We were at the National Arboretum today. Harry did not want to go back to the car. He was sitting on a bench, and I suggested we look for clues like in Blue's Clues. But, we had to go to the car to get our handy dandy..."noebook." Kevin and I both looked at each other. Did he actually say notebook? Yup! And later I turned on the TV and he said "Dora!" DORA! In perfectly fluent English. I think we were more excited then when he said his first word (which I am pretty sure was "hi.").

Friday, January 27, 2006

Uh oh!

This could get dangerous!
Pink is the new blog! But it will save you money on trashy magazines...oh!- and help me keep my 2006 Resolution not to read trashy magazines!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

We Call Him Blue

No Ernie today. Just "Boo's Coo's?".
Apparently this is what the cool kid is watching.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Yeah, I know, we are going to Disney again for Harry's birthday, and I said we wouldn't have a big party this year, but, nonetheless, I think we are having one anyway. Most likely at The Little Gym in Springfield on April 22 at 3:30 PM. I think we'll do a Curious George theme. Kinda goes with the little monkey/uneven bar thing.

We are also working on redecorating his room as a birthday gift. Not too pricey or grand scale or anything. Just need a new comforter and valances and a few other things in a Curious George print. Let us know if you see anything cool! I woudl like yellow background. Curious George, The Movie starts next month so we expect it shouldn't be too hard. Wonder if Whole foods can do a monkey cake...?

BTW- WHOLE FOODS OPENED IN OLD TOWN!!! 90,000 people were there when I went on Friday. I somehow got the minivan into the smallest spot imaginable. I had no choice. Coincidentally, the day before I had the privilege of driving by Whole Foods headquarters in Austn! I was so excited! In case you didn't know, I LOVE Whole Foods!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Spidey Powers

For all of my Buffy-like training, it appears that the super power I have come away with is a heightened sense of smell. Yeah, I was the only one that noticed the gas leak in my grandmother’s home a few years back, so you could say it is a life-saving ability, but most often it just, well, sucks! I am at the airport now. I suppose I should be worried about Osama’s newest threats (is Texas the heartland?), but mostly I cannot get past someone’s bad breath. Is it the chick sitting 4 seats away from me? Or just a random passerby? I get it, it’s early. 5:09 Central Time. Yes, AM.Morning breath at its best. But come on! It’s bad enough I am going to have to smell all of those smells on the plane! Use some mouth wash!

I do wear my personal ionizer. Coincidentally, the only other dork I have seen wear/heard talk about wearing one is Buffy herself (Sarah Michelle Gellar). Maybe it is a short “blond” thing. Whatever. Maybe if people stopped farting and pretending it wasn’t them I wouldn’t need it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen...

Apparently Super Dad has met his match recently, and he goes by the name of Harrison.

Kim's now on her second long trip in as many weeks. It's been quite a while since she's been on an extended junket, any solo travel at all really, so there are a few different, yet ultimately compounding variables at work.

Let's start with the Winter Holiday. Every year, the week around Christmas & New Year's Day means time off for our illustrious daycare provider Menike (apparently Americanized to the phonetic equivalent of "Monica," but I digress), which as last year, means Kim also gets to take the week off to spend with young Harrison. This year was no different in the timing, however Harry's mental capacity/thirst/ability/cognizance/etc has expanded quite a bit since last December.

As such, to say that the bond that Kim & Harry furthered was amplified, would be very much of an understatement.

Add to all of this, the regimented schedule that they mutually fell into. Up first thing in the morning, a bowl of oatmeal for each of them on the couch while Tivo gently awakens the mind & senses with comforting re-runs of Sesame Street (more on this later).

Super Dad slumbers away until startling himself out of bed only to realize once again, that he's forgotten to set his own alarm. A quick shave, shower & dress (usually in that order), and downstairs for some quality assistance from #1 son to grind & brew a fresh pot o' Joe before heading out for the day.

Even after the winter break, and Harry's schedule subtly shifted back to school, it was still wake up & breakfast with Mommy, show Daddy where the coffee is, and amuse him by smelling the fresh grounds before pushing the button on the brewer, lead him out to the car and head off. A few hours later, there'd be Mommy & the bus to take him back home for a nice trip around the block in his new Radio Flyer, or stroll with Baby. Daddy'd be home soon to make dinner, hit the Play-Doh table (floor mats are SO last month!) splash in the tub, and read a few books before hitting the hay.

Throughout all of this, Harry's vocabulary has grown immensely. He makes every effort to repeat (surely with great clarity to him) the last word/phrase of every sentence you say -- to him or not -- and more so, his interpretive skills are incredible...

For example, one of his favorite activities at the Little Gym is putting the Balls away. He's very fond of running all over the room to gather as many as he can, on as many trips as it takes, to be the one to get the most balls in the bucket. Last week, as the bucket was headed back to the closet, I told him "go look behind the TV." Mind you, the TV is on a cart on the other side of the room (about 25 feet away), and the ball in question is the same color as the wall behind it, so at least as I see it, tough to make out. On a dime, he took off for the TV stand, went around back, and came running back with said ball (okay, so he did have it grasped in his teeth) for the slam dunk. All with the biggest grin ever.

So where am I going with this?

Kim's trips were much easier when I wasn't greeted at daycare with both hand in the air, palms upward, a look of not-so-happy surprise, and a definite "Wahs Mom-ma???"

Ditto for waking up in the morning, and pretty much the first 15 minutes of the day...

Which of course, then immediately changes to a sprint into the living room followed by (in rapid succession):

"uhrne uhrne...

"Harry, would you like to watch Sesame Street?"

"sezme? uhrne..."

"Say please"

"peas" with a very dimply grin...

"u-nee." with a very pleased look.

No time for a climb onto the couch like the present.

Ignorance is indeed bliss. Especially when it's Harry's ignorance, and my bliss that he hadn't realized really that Kim wasn't home. It was easy then. Tell him she's not home, but she'll be home tomorrow, Friday, whatever. Now that he comes running in to find her, it's a bit more trying.

Not to mention, I still don't think I'm making the oatmeal the right way...

OK so maybe she's allowed in my kitchen for some things.

Hilary Swank's character in Million Dollar Baby is 32. I, too, am 32. I am only at that part of the movie, but I can already tell you one difference between us: Clint told her she was too old to start training, and she kept going. I confess: I quit Krav. But if I'd had a trainer like him, and the time to train, I never would have. I didn't quit because I was old. I just don't have the time! I so wish I did. I'd love to switch to Thai boxing with Aidan...I am just not in the shape I used to be though...and I'd hate to waste the time only to stop in another year to do the baby thing again. I figure it is better right now to focus the time I do have on working with Janet and Kelly at the gym, and doing my "Kim's Fit On The Go" program (developed by Janet) when I travel. Maybe I will go back to Martial Arts in a few years. I hate not doing things right now, but I think getting back in shape is a better plan, and I will see more results at this point from the gym. Janet promises we can do some kick boxing. I am trying to increase my running pace. Delaying an activity or two, with a good reason why, doesn't mean I will end up sitting on the sofa for the rest of my life does it?

Before Million Dollar Baby I watched an episode of Friends. It was a bunch of flashbacks. Rachel turned 30. Ross noted that in ten years they'd be 40. 40 is getting closer. It is weird to watch Friends. The character's lives seemed to parallel my own. They were young and single or newly coupled when it started. The first season, I lived in a house in College Park with 5 roommates (including Kevin). 3 girls, 3 guys. We went through a lot of the same things, Kevin and I got married at the same time as Monica and Chandler, had kids at the same time...Watching old episodes is almost like seeing my own life replayed. We used to all hang out at bars and coffee houses and worry about our careers and our futures. We don't get to hang out as much as we used to, and when we do the conversation has changed to raising kids and buying houses.

I'm hanging out in Austin, Texas now. Went out with my team last night and drank half of a Dos Equis and 1 1/2 rather bad margaritas at Guerros. Didn't love it and also no Matthew McConaughey, Luke or Owen Wilson. But our cab driver said he'd driven a very drunk Willie Nelson around 4 times and with 4 different "16 year olds." A colleague wants to stalk Lance Armstrong, but instead we called it an early night. Some of the team went out. Half of us did not. I am just not one of those people that wants to go out every night. I like room service and a movie. I don't like hang overs when I have work to do and early mornings. I may go back out tomorrow, even though I have a 6 AM flight Friday. Austin is a really cool place. I'd still rather be home with Kevin and Harry. Bailey even! I was trying so hard to not miss Kevin and Harry that when I saw a commercial with big eyed dogs in it I nearly burst into tears. I've been off the road for way too long! It's so hard to be back on it again.

My dad's having some health issues right now. That is not fun to think about. Worse yet, I'd hate to think about Harry not having his Pop Pop. You know, it kind of figures. He's got to have the last word. I have worried my whole life that if I stayed mad at anyone, something bad would happen. Actually, now that I think about it...that usually is what happens...quite a list, now that I think about it...My point was going to be, though, that my father annoyed me over New Year's and I was going to try to not be the bigger person. But now my reasons for holding a grudge seem so small. And I am kind of hung up on this track record I seem to have...

Hilary Swank just got knocked out.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Mark Your Calendars!

Can't wait until the Olympics start in February?
Well, show week is coming at The Little Gym.
Harry's show will be held Saturday, January 28 at 9:45 AM.
Freinds and Family are invited to this special event.
It will surely knock your socks off - or at least your shoes, since you cannot wear them to class.
Let us know if you would like to attend. Miss Tess assured us, "the more the merrier!"
Students will perform their routines and the ceremony will end with an awards ceremony.
Seriously, let us know if you would like to attend.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

See Me!

Harry has developed a spectacular use of pronouns. Unlike Elmo, he knows when to use, me, I, you, etc. For instance, he is so good at it, that this afternoon when he left the room and Kevin said "See ya!" Harry yelled back "See me!" in acknowledgement! He so gets it! Well, pronounds that is...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Nothin’ but java (on the road again).

Why do people love coffee shops but hate airports? Guess they are forgetting it is about the journey, not the destination…or remembering that airlines even know how to take the fun out of free tickets. Maybe it is the anxiety about leaving somewhere, or being stuck somewhere, or going to the wrong place – or just not getting to the right place fast enough.

I have to admit, for me airports seem to provide one of the few places I can truly relax. Others include doctor and dentists offices. I guess it takes the proximity of big metal objects to get me to sit still. At the airport, or on a plane, I can sit upright and enjoy a good book and a cup of joe. I can write a letter to a friend. I can listen to some music.

While I am looking forward to my 5 opportunities in the next two weeks to get through Kite Runner for Tara’s book/desert club, I am apprehensive about traveling again. I have been afforded quite a bit of home office time over the past few months. I guess I could even argue too much home office time. I don’t want to fly again! I am tempted to submit some CVs to switch to an office job or a more regional position that requires daily road trips and no home office time. But that would but nuts right? After all, I’ve got a sweet deal at home!

The truth is, I’m head over heels for the little guy, and I want to sit on the sofa and watch Sesame Street all day, every day! But, deep down I know this is unrealistic. For one thing, Harry Bug’s attention span is not that long. He’d never get through 8-10 hours a day of TV time. Plus, Kevin and H-dude need to get reacquainted. Kevin hasn’t had to pack sippy cups in a backpack for quite some time.

I like to think little dude and I are buds. I look forward to picking him up at 4 and heading to the park. I like running aimlessly down the sidewalk. I have become obsessed with mixing play-doh colors and squishing shapes together! We have a system in place for finishing oatmeal.

There is also the risk that I won’t come back. It is a horrible terrible thought. Flight attendants fly every day though. My job is to fly. Flying is part of my job…my somewhat lucrative job. But, should the day come when I might not make it home, give Harry lots of hugs and kisses for me. Help him to be his own person. And make sure he always has a dog around!
"But Lara loves my sprout fricassee with turnip jus. Doesn't she eat things like this at home?"

Yes, daycare is good. Harry eats his veggies there, and apparently naps daily. Allows me to not worry so much about cookies and lemonade for dinner!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Touch of Gray

I don't often feel blue or gray. I view any sign of it as a symptom of mental illness setting in. So, the fact that I have been glum for 7 hours now is not something that is sitting easily with me. Yeah, I know, the fact that I cannot be sad for half a day is probably a bigger issue.
Turned on some tunes though. Yeah, they only play one Dead tune on the radio, and it's on now. Thank Athena for that. It's alright. I will get by.
Perhaps the touch of gray added to my moon will help me to not care about the chirodental pain I am about to endure for the next 18 months.
with my own 2 eyes...

With the new year, comes new activities for the little man... Who, if you haven't noticed lately, is convinced that he himself is not nearly as little as everyone else seems to think. However, what's old is new again, and I really got a full dose of that this weekend.

Saturday was Harry's first day back at the Little Gym since breaking for the Winter holidays, and boy could you tell he missed it! What with all of the running in circles, climbing all over new equipment, interacting so much with all of the other kids, even the new ones.

He seems to have a new-/re-found affection and ability for stairs. The Gym had a small set of 3 installed in from of the uneven bars for the kids to climb before working on their grip-reversal. Harry proceeded to bound right up them, unassisted, and raise his hands and roar in success ala Rocky at the Philly Art Museum (perhaps it has something to do with Kim's new ringtone???).

Sunday brought a return to the Pool. While we were a bit bummed that his now-bearded instructor was teaching another class, the new one looked like it's going to shape up well. Although the class is about twice as many kids & parents as before, and thus twice as loud, he and Lance seemed to be okay doing their own thing. That said, I think Harry was most impressive in his actions before class, watching the big kids do their thing. As the older groups went through their lesson, Harry did his best to imitate the movements they were making, dunking himself under at just about any point with not a hint of, panic or discomfort. Of course, then he tried to spin himself around the bars of the handrailing, thinking he was still at the gym...

So then we headed back home, and later on, Harry headed to the park across the street... and more importantly, I got to watch him scramble up the rock-wall UNASSISTED. Now I know Kim has mentioned this in the past, and how proud she is of him and his prowess, but to see it myself, and how nimbly he can get up the side of the wall was quite impressive. He certainly has not inherited his father's inability to climb the ropes or pegboards in gym class.

Now it's Monday and time to go back to work & school. Harry is now getting to the point that he knows how to stall for time in the morning... Sesame Street has become the mesmerizer and ultimate slowdown to the morning routine, however, at the same time, he seems to be getting more out of it. He's recognizing the characters, the skits, and hopefully what's going on in general. It's tough enough for me to get up in the morning on Monday to get myself going, luckily Kim hasn't been on the road much, and has a nice routine with Harry. But this week, she starts to go again, and it'll be just the 2 of us for a few days at a time... I need to get back into that swing as much as he does.

Should be fun.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Babysitter or Bodyguard?

There is a new baby at daycare. His name is Hunter and he is just adorable. He is about 3 montsh old. Until now, Harry had been the only "baby" at daycare. The others are almost a year older. If there is one flaw that Menike et al have, it is that they "baby" Harry. So, we were all worried about what would happen when Hunter showed up.

To be honest, while shopping for dolls during the holidays for Harry, I had forgotten all about Hunter's arrival. Serendipity I guess, but Harry has been busy playing dad/babysitter for over a week now. He feeds his baby. He strolls with his baby. He even babysits other babies.

Harry has also taken on more responsibility at home. He puts his shoes in his bedroom (he DID NOT learn this by watching Daddy). He takes his dirty diapers to Daddy and trash to the trash can. He doesn't eat play-doh ("No ea(t)"). He helps Daddy make coffee (Kevin needs Harry to remind him where the supplies are). Harry has even taken it upon himself to let Bailey in and out. This last task is a big one!

Even though we had worried about Harry's reaction, when we think about it, it wouldn't have fit. Harry wants nothing more than to be big, and he is working very hard at it. He is very serious about the tasks he undertakes. He loves to watch what big kids do. When Tyler or Arwen come to visit, he wants to hold them. He stands guard over Bailey so that she doesn't do anything bad. Nonetheless, I was pleasantly suprised to find that Harry appears to be baby Hunter's new keeper. He wants to help feed Hunter, and he makes sure no one touches Hunter's toys. He has become so helpful in his old age! I am so proud of him!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

My side of the story

The holidays are over and I am a little sad. There is always so much anticipation (or in some cases, dread) before the holidays, and then almost without warning they are over. No more people to see, no more lights on houses, no more optimism it sometimes seems…just negative energy from a bunch of calloused souls. I, myself, am happy about the start of a new year…but then a gain, I was always happy about the start of school, too. I just feel bad for those people that didn’t “get what they wanted from Santa,” or wasted too much time being stressed over whether exchanged gifts were equal, or are unwilling to commit to yet one more resolution they are unwilling to keep.

I started my day by going to yoga. I plan to send a $10 check to Leanne today for their little weight loss pyramid scheme, and I think I am doing a fair job of being non-judgmental so far. I have forgotten what Kevin’s new resolution is, but I know he hopes to continue eating breakfast every day. He made this one last year, and he did a wonderful job of sticking to it. It’s the most important meal of the day!

Somewhere along the road that was 2005, I decided to slow down a little. I had so many directions to move in that I repeatedly got lost. I also ended up diagnosed with IBS. I have done a great job since then to focus on just doing a few things well. I also feel that I have less trouble saying no, especially if by saying no I am rewarded with more quality time playing play-doh with Harrison.

As you may have read, we shortened our Christmas holiday this year and spent only 2 days away. It was nice to be home for my birthday, even though it meant limiting our Christmas activities. It was fantastic to spend 12/24 in one place. Even though Shrimp Fest did not turn out quite as planned, I still enjoyed the company of those in attendance. I was also relieved to be able to spend 2+ hours at the park with good friends rather than in the car, stuck in traffic. 12/25 came and went. We didn’t get to spend extended QT with anyone, but when it comes down to it, that doesn’t always happen anyway, even when there are more hours in the day.

Infant Toddler daycare providers are rewarded off the week after Christmas (paid leave, of course, but well deserved) so Harry was off for an entire week.

Day 1- Kevin was home. We left the house to get bagels for lunch but otherwise hung out at home enjoying each others company.

Day 2- Panicked ever so slightly about being alone with Harry all day, working in a naptime, dealing with new cleaning people, etc and took Harry to Chuck E. Cheese at 10:00 AM. It was the perfect time to go. Few were there at that hour, so Harry could have the run of the place, wasting leftover tokens from Lance’s June birthday all the while. A nap on the way home put a dent in my plans to go to lunch, so I ate a McD burger in the car while little man slept. Cleaning people were still present when he woke up, so we went on several wagon rides around the block. “Pull, pull!” was Master Harry’s response.

Day 3 – Early jaunt to Toys R Us to purchase gifts for Zayne and Noah. Picked up a “baby” for Harry which we named Ernie. Harry seems to LOVE LOVE LOVE Ernie on Sesame Street. Journey to Ernie is his favorite sketch. It's that investigative mind of his that loves a challenge. Anyhoo...Harry loves “BeeBee” and pushes his little stroller all over the neighborhood. It is quite the workout. Later we went to meet some X-PRAers and their kids (the aforementioned Zayne and Noah) and played at the park for a long time. Harry ran all over the place. We had a blast!

Day 4- My final day alone with little man. It rained!!! Horrors! We did make it out for one walk with Baby Ernie after I couldn’t resist Harry’s pleas of “Ou(t)?” and “Jacke(t)?” I lost a little bit of patience when Harry refused any nap whatsoever, even though he was losing all ability to function. Yes, he cried for 1 hour. We were friends again after his 20 minute nap though.

Day 5 – Kevin took off for the New Year and we headed to NJ. Lunched with Shelly and Melissa and visited Melissa & Pete’s new abode. Very cute! Later enjoyed a fine evening with my mom and Allen and some of Allen’s family. Harry entertained us all, and fell quickly into a deep sleep by 7:15. I’d say not a peep out of him, but for the loud snoring!

Days 6-8 were spent at Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos with 25+ Wileys and Deckers. Harry’s schedule is a little different from everyone else’s, so I can’t say we spent much time with anyone, but Harry did have a blast going on the water slides ALL BY HIMSELF! He did have on a life jacket, but the slides were pretty long. He went under each time he landed, but smiled nonetheless-and headed to the stairs to get right back on!
Some of the men claim they ran into Tony Hawk in the elevator. Kevin didn’t believe them, but changed into his “last clean T-shirt” nonetheless: Tony Hawk’s Boom Boom Huck Jam. Ironically, we actually did run into George Muresan (not even close to correct spelling, I am sure) from when Kevin worked at the Bullets. He’s big!

We were thrilled to be home early on January 2. Physically exhausted to the core! I cherish my memories of the week though. Here are some highlights:
  • Harry was tumblesaulting all over the dance floor around 7PM on New Years Eve. He landed on the floor in front of two “teen something” girls. I apologized and said “He’s 1.” The response, a very knowing “It’s okay. I was the same way at his age!”
  • Harry “baby-sat” Isabella’s doll in Baby Ernie’s stroller (they both fit).
  • The look on Harry’s face when he came down the big slide. All smiles.
  • Harry’s total straight face when he got done tubing down the mountain, and then pointed back to the top and said “Up!” I myself had feared for all of our lives!
  • Saying apple at least once an hour for a week straight, and the delight on his face when Harry receives a piece of fruit. Whether it is a pear, and apple, or an orange, “Ap-pull?” changes to a pleased “Ap-pull!”
  • Even though he is not supposed to, Harry correctly opening the door for Bailey today and calling for her to come in and eat breakfast. “Bee-ley! Beee-lee!””
  • I finally found the perfect stealie for the mini van!
  • The amount of words Harry is now able to repeat. It is astounding!

In closing, so what if some people try to take the fun out of things. My Yule Letter meant a LOT to 8 year old Hayley. David was grateful for our card. Ari was totaling out loud his newest Target gift card and wondering what great thing he could buy. Uncle Ray called to thank us for his bottle opener. He can’t quite figure it out, but is enjoying his attempts. We were happy to spend time with some old friends, and realized we have a lot in common with some others we had not been as close with.
I enjoyed buying treats for people. I hope they liked them. None were meant to stress anyone out or make them miserable. I enjoyed sending out my holiday cards, letters and pictures. I treasure the ones that I get from others. Our lives are very busy, and while I would love to spend extended time with almost all of the people we got cards from, it just isn’t possible. At least I get to see from year to year how well their kids are growing, or find out that they made a trip to New Zealand, or accept a gift card to enjoy brunch with my family…and perhaps the givers!
I hope Nancy and the Zees get to share their gift card at Starbucks and have a good conversation together. I hope they don’t call to ask that we not think of them next year. I hope Dayna appreciates that I think her holiday photo was the best one ever, and doesn’t mind if I steal the idea next year. I hope we expressed our gratitude appropriately for everything we received, including the shared moments, and everyone knows how much we enjoyed seeing them or hearing from them, or cozy-ing up with a hand made quilt or scarf and enjoying a fabulous desert on a plate that has been passed down through generations, with a story attached to it. Geez- am I sounding like Phoebe again?

Monday, January 02, 2006

Kim's New Years Resolutions

1. To be the Kaplan's Biggest Loser!
2. To complete my year and a day (beginning February 3rd)
3. To stop being judgemental, since obviously there are quite a few people out there who have a much harder time at life than I do (even though several people have told me that I've tried this one before, with them, and we failed miserably. Perhaps the people around me could help by not fucking up at things quite so often. I'd appreciate it.)
4. Rock hard abs
5. Daily yoga