Friday, January 20, 2006

Spidey Powers

For all of my Buffy-like training, it appears that the super power I have come away with is a heightened sense of smell. Yeah, I was the only one that noticed the gas leak in my grandmother’s home a few years back, so you could say it is a life-saving ability, but most often it just, well, sucks! I am at the airport now. I suppose I should be worried about Osama’s newest threats (is Texas the heartland?), but mostly I cannot get past someone’s bad breath. Is it the chick sitting 4 seats away from me? Or just a random passerby? I get it, it’s early. 5:09 Central Time. Yes, AM.Morning breath at its best. But come on! It’s bad enough I am going to have to smell all of those smells on the plane! Use some mouth wash!

I do wear my personal ionizer. Coincidentally, the only other dork I have seen wear/heard talk about wearing one is Buffy herself (Sarah Michelle Gellar). Maybe it is a short “blond” thing. Whatever. Maybe if people stopped farting and pretending it wasn’t them I wouldn’t need it.

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