Tuesday, January 03, 2006

My side of the story

The holidays are over and I am a little sad. There is always so much anticipation (or in some cases, dread) before the holidays, and then almost without warning they are over. No more people to see, no more lights on houses, no more optimism it sometimes seems…just negative energy from a bunch of calloused souls. I, myself, am happy about the start of a new year…but then a gain, I was always happy about the start of school, too. I just feel bad for those people that didn’t “get what they wanted from Santa,” or wasted too much time being stressed over whether exchanged gifts were equal, or are unwilling to commit to yet one more resolution they are unwilling to keep.

I started my day by going to yoga. I plan to send a $10 check to Leanne today for their little weight loss pyramid scheme, and I think I am doing a fair job of being non-judgmental so far. I have forgotten what Kevin’s new resolution is, but I know he hopes to continue eating breakfast every day. He made this one last year, and he did a wonderful job of sticking to it. It’s the most important meal of the day!

Somewhere along the road that was 2005, I decided to slow down a little. I had so many directions to move in that I repeatedly got lost. I also ended up diagnosed with IBS. I have done a great job since then to focus on just doing a few things well. I also feel that I have less trouble saying no, especially if by saying no I am rewarded with more quality time playing play-doh with Harrison.

As you may have read, we shortened our Christmas holiday this year and spent only 2 days away. It was nice to be home for my birthday, even though it meant limiting our Christmas activities. It was fantastic to spend 12/24 in one place. Even though Shrimp Fest did not turn out quite as planned, I still enjoyed the company of those in attendance. I was also relieved to be able to spend 2+ hours at the park with good friends rather than in the car, stuck in traffic. 12/25 came and went. We didn’t get to spend extended QT with anyone, but when it comes down to it, that doesn’t always happen anyway, even when there are more hours in the day.

Infant Toddler daycare providers are rewarded off the week after Christmas (paid leave, of course, but well deserved) so Harry was off for an entire week.

Day 1- Kevin was home. We left the house to get bagels for lunch but otherwise hung out at home enjoying each others company.

Day 2- Panicked ever so slightly about being alone with Harry all day, working in a naptime, dealing with new cleaning people, etc and took Harry to Chuck E. Cheese at 10:00 AM. It was the perfect time to go. Few were there at that hour, so Harry could have the run of the place, wasting leftover tokens from Lance’s June birthday all the while. A nap on the way home put a dent in my plans to go to lunch, so I ate a McD burger in the car while little man slept. Cleaning people were still present when he woke up, so we went on several wagon rides around the block. “Pull, pull!” was Master Harry’s response.

Day 3 – Early jaunt to Toys R Us to purchase gifts for Zayne and Noah. Picked up a “baby” for Harry which we named Ernie. Harry seems to LOVE LOVE LOVE Ernie on Sesame Street. Journey to Ernie is his favorite sketch. It's that investigative mind of his that loves a challenge. Anyhoo...Harry loves “BeeBee” and pushes his little stroller all over the neighborhood. It is quite the workout. Later we went to meet some X-PRAers and their kids (the aforementioned Zayne and Noah) and played at the park for a long time. Harry ran all over the place. We had a blast!

Day 4- My final day alone with little man. It rained!!! Horrors! We did make it out for one walk with Baby Ernie after I couldn’t resist Harry’s pleas of “Ou(t)?” and “Jacke(t)?” I lost a little bit of patience when Harry refused any nap whatsoever, even though he was losing all ability to function. Yes, he cried for 1 hour. We were friends again after his 20 minute nap though.

Day 5 – Kevin took off for the New Year and we headed to NJ. Lunched with Shelly and Melissa and visited Melissa & Pete’s new abode. Very cute! Later enjoyed a fine evening with my mom and Allen and some of Allen’s family. Harry entertained us all, and fell quickly into a deep sleep by 7:15. I’d say not a peep out of him, but for the loud snoring!

Days 6-8 were spent at Great Wolf Lodge in the Poconos with 25+ Wileys and Deckers. Harry’s schedule is a little different from everyone else’s, so I can’t say we spent much time with anyone, but Harry did have a blast going on the water slides ALL BY HIMSELF! He did have on a life jacket, but the slides were pretty long. He went under each time he landed, but smiled nonetheless-and headed to the stairs to get right back on!
Some of the men claim they ran into Tony Hawk in the elevator. Kevin didn’t believe them, but changed into his “last clean T-shirt” nonetheless: Tony Hawk’s Boom Boom Huck Jam. Ironically, we actually did run into George Muresan (not even close to correct spelling, I am sure) from when Kevin worked at the Bullets. He’s big!

We were thrilled to be home early on January 2. Physically exhausted to the core! I cherish my memories of the week though. Here are some highlights:
  • Harry was tumblesaulting all over the dance floor around 7PM on New Years Eve. He landed on the floor in front of two “teen something” girls. I apologized and said “He’s 1.” The response, a very knowing “It’s okay. I was the same way at his age!”
  • Harry “baby-sat” Isabella’s doll in Baby Ernie’s stroller (they both fit).
  • The look on Harry’s face when he came down the big slide. All smiles.
  • Harry’s total straight face when he got done tubing down the mountain, and then pointed back to the top and said “Up!” I myself had feared for all of our lives!
  • Saying apple at least once an hour for a week straight, and the delight on his face when Harry receives a piece of fruit. Whether it is a pear, and apple, or an orange, “Ap-pull?” changes to a pleased “Ap-pull!”
  • Even though he is not supposed to, Harry correctly opening the door for Bailey today and calling for her to come in and eat breakfast. “Bee-ley! Beee-lee!””
  • I finally found the perfect stealie for the mini van!
  • The amount of words Harry is now able to repeat. It is astounding!

In closing, so what if some people try to take the fun out of things. My Yule Letter meant a LOT to 8 year old Hayley. David was grateful for our card. Ari was totaling out loud his newest Target gift card and wondering what great thing he could buy. Uncle Ray called to thank us for his bottle opener. He can’t quite figure it out, but is enjoying his attempts. We were happy to spend time with some old friends, and realized we have a lot in common with some others we had not been as close with.
I enjoyed buying treats for people. I hope they liked them. None were meant to stress anyone out or make them miserable. I enjoyed sending out my holiday cards, letters and pictures. I treasure the ones that I get from others. Our lives are very busy, and while I would love to spend extended time with almost all of the people we got cards from, it just isn’t possible. At least I get to see from year to year how well their kids are growing, or find out that they made a trip to New Zealand, or accept a gift card to enjoy brunch with my family…and perhaps the givers!
I hope Nancy and the Zees get to share their gift card at Starbucks and have a good conversation together. I hope they don’t call to ask that we not think of them next year. I hope Dayna appreciates that I think her holiday photo was the best one ever, and doesn’t mind if I steal the idea next year. I hope we expressed our gratitude appropriately for everything we received, including the shared moments, and everyone knows how much we enjoyed seeing them or hearing from them, or cozy-ing up with a hand made quilt or scarf and enjoying a fabulous desert on a plate that has been passed down through generations, with a story attached to it. Geez- am I sounding like Phoebe again?

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