Monday, January 09, 2006

with my own 2 eyes...

With the new year, comes new activities for the little man... Who, if you haven't noticed lately, is convinced that he himself is not nearly as little as everyone else seems to think. However, what's old is new again, and I really got a full dose of that this weekend.

Saturday was Harry's first day back at the Little Gym since breaking for the Winter holidays, and boy could you tell he missed it! What with all of the running in circles, climbing all over new equipment, interacting so much with all of the other kids, even the new ones.

He seems to have a new-/re-found affection and ability for stairs. The Gym had a small set of 3 installed in from of the uneven bars for the kids to climb before working on their grip-reversal. Harry proceeded to bound right up them, unassisted, and raise his hands and roar in success ala Rocky at the Philly Art Museum (perhaps it has something to do with Kim's new ringtone???).

Sunday brought a return to the Pool. While we were a bit bummed that his now-bearded instructor was teaching another class, the new one looked like it's going to shape up well. Although the class is about twice as many kids & parents as before, and thus twice as loud, he and Lance seemed to be okay doing their own thing. That said, I think Harry was most impressive in his actions before class, watching the big kids do their thing. As the older groups went through their lesson, Harry did his best to imitate the movements they were making, dunking himself under at just about any point with not a hint of, panic or discomfort. Of course, then he tried to spin himself around the bars of the handrailing, thinking he was still at the gym...

So then we headed back home, and later on, Harry headed to the park across the street... and more importantly, I got to watch him scramble up the rock-wall UNASSISTED. Now I know Kim has mentioned this in the past, and how proud she is of him and his prowess, but to see it myself, and how nimbly he can get up the side of the wall was quite impressive. He certainly has not inherited his father's inability to climb the ropes or pegboards in gym class.

Now it's Monday and time to go back to work & school. Harry is now getting to the point that he knows how to stall for time in the morning... Sesame Street has become the mesmerizer and ultimate slowdown to the morning routine, however, at the same time, he seems to be getting more out of it. He's recognizing the characters, the skits, and hopefully what's going on in general. It's tough enough for me to get up in the morning on Monday to get myself going, luckily Kim hasn't been on the road much, and has a nice routine with Harry. But this week, she starts to go again, and it'll be just the 2 of us for a few days at a time... I need to get back into that swing as much as he does.

Should be fun.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Welcome back Muffin!!!

In Kevin's defense, last time he tried to rock climb, Paul M. set up the ropes, carefully yelling "ROPE!" before tossing over the wall...then proceeded to toss the entire rope over...UNATTACHED from anything up top. Doesn't do much for one's confidence, I admit!
ALso, a note about the Rocky move- it brought about a giant round of applause from everyone in the room. He seems to eat that up!