Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Nothin’ but java (on the road again).

Why do people love coffee shops but hate airports? Guess they are forgetting it is about the journey, not the destination…or remembering that airlines even know how to take the fun out of free tickets. Maybe it is the anxiety about leaving somewhere, or being stuck somewhere, or going to the wrong place – or just not getting to the right place fast enough.

I have to admit, for me airports seem to provide one of the few places I can truly relax. Others include doctor and dentists offices. I guess it takes the proximity of big metal objects to get me to sit still. At the airport, or on a plane, I can sit upright and enjoy a good book and a cup of joe. I can write a letter to a friend. I can listen to some music.

While I am looking forward to my 5 opportunities in the next two weeks to get through Kite Runner for Tara’s book/desert club, I am apprehensive about traveling again. I have been afforded quite a bit of home office time over the past few months. I guess I could even argue too much home office time. I don’t want to fly again! I am tempted to submit some CVs to switch to an office job or a more regional position that requires daily road trips and no home office time. But that would but nuts right? After all, I’ve got a sweet deal at home!

The truth is, I’m head over heels for the little guy, and I want to sit on the sofa and watch Sesame Street all day, every day! But, deep down I know this is unrealistic. For one thing, Harry Bug’s attention span is not that long. He’d never get through 8-10 hours a day of TV time. Plus, Kevin and H-dude need to get reacquainted. Kevin hasn’t had to pack sippy cups in a backpack for quite some time.

I like to think little dude and I are buds. I look forward to picking him up at 4 and heading to the park. I like running aimlessly down the sidewalk. I have become obsessed with mixing play-doh colors and squishing shapes together! We have a system in place for finishing oatmeal.

There is also the risk that I won’t come back. It is a horrible terrible thought. Flight attendants fly every day though. My job is to fly. Flying is part of my job…my somewhat lucrative job. But, should the day come when I might not make it home, give Harry lots of hugs and kisses for me. Help him to be his own person. And make sure he always has a dog around!


Anonymous said...

aaah, might this be motivation to find a semi-lucrative OFFICE job??


PS- what's chirodental pain?

Kimberly said...

Office jobs are NEVER lucrative.

Anonymous said...

Hee Hee.. SOME are!