Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Hilary Swank's character in Million Dollar Baby is 32. I, too, am 32. I am only at that part of the movie, but I can already tell you one difference between us: Clint told her she was too old to start training, and she kept going. I confess: I quit Krav. But if I'd had a trainer like him, and the time to train, I never would have. I didn't quit because I was old. I just don't have the time! I so wish I did. I'd love to switch to Thai boxing with Aidan...I am just not in the shape I used to be though...and I'd hate to waste the time only to stop in another year to do the baby thing again. I figure it is better right now to focus the time I do have on working with Janet and Kelly at the gym, and doing my "Kim's Fit On The Go" program (developed by Janet) when I travel. Maybe I will go back to Martial Arts in a few years. I hate not doing things right now, but I think getting back in shape is a better plan, and I will see more results at this point from the gym. Janet promises we can do some kick boxing. I am trying to increase my running pace. Delaying an activity or two, with a good reason why, doesn't mean I will end up sitting on the sofa for the rest of my life does it?

Before Million Dollar Baby I watched an episode of Friends. It was a bunch of flashbacks. Rachel turned 30. Ross noted that in ten years they'd be 40. 40 is getting closer. It is weird to watch Friends. The character's lives seemed to parallel my own. They were young and single or newly coupled when it started. The first season, I lived in a house in College Park with 5 roommates (including Kevin). 3 girls, 3 guys. We went through a lot of the same things, Kevin and I got married at the same time as Monica and Chandler, had kids at the same time...Watching old episodes is almost like seeing my own life replayed. We used to all hang out at bars and coffee houses and worry about our careers and our futures. We don't get to hang out as much as we used to, and when we do the conversation has changed to raising kids and buying houses.

I'm hanging out in Austin, Texas now. Went out with my team last night and drank half of a Dos Equis and 1 1/2 rather bad margaritas at Guerros. Didn't love it and also no Matthew McConaughey, Luke or Owen Wilson. But our cab driver said he'd driven a very drunk Willie Nelson around 4 times and with 4 different "16 year olds." A colleague wants to stalk Lance Armstrong, but instead we called it an early night. Some of the team went out. Half of us did not. I am just not one of those people that wants to go out every night. I like room service and a movie. I don't like hang overs when I have work to do and early mornings. I may go back out tomorrow, even though I have a 6 AM flight Friday. Austin is a really cool place. I'd still rather be home with Kevin and Harry. Bailey even! I was trying so hard to not miss Kevin and Harry that when I saw a commercial with big eyed dogs in it I nearly burst into tears. I've been off the road for way too long! It's so hard to be back on it again.

My dad's having some health issues right now. That is not fun to think about. Worse yet, I'd hate to think about Harry not having his Pop Pop. You know, it kind of figures. He's got to have the last word. I have worried my whole life that if I stayed mad at anyone, something bad would happen. Actually, now that I think about it...that usually is what happens...quite a list, now that I think about it...My point was going to be, though, that my father annoyed me over New Year's and I was going to try to not be the bigger person. But now my reasons for holding a grudge seem so small. And I am kind of hung up on this track record I seem to have...

Hilary Swank just got knocked out.

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