Thursday, March 09, 2006

Must be the weather

Where to begin...let's talk about the weather. It smells like Spring. There were lots of people out wearing shorts. We have the cutest little woodpecker in the tree outside (no blue suit though).
Bailey is still being reasonably well behaved. We are buds again. Harry, however, seems a little bit off kilter. This happened to both Harry and our little neigbor William last time it snowed. I think changes in the weather throw them off. I picked Harry up early today and we went to the park in Delray. Remind me not to go to the park during working hours. That being said, I guess I can understand why the little boy was freaked out: the park was freaky! There were so many kids, as well as some normal nannies that don't look at you strangely when words come out of your mouth, but most of what I would guess were parents were, um, odd. I think part of the reason was that it was Delray. To think we used to love it there. I've been especially turned off by the Citizens of Delray ever since last fall when I was accused of promoting vandalism when Harry tapped on a newspaper box at St. Elmo's. Not everyone there is a freak. That is by no means true. Many are though. Moving on, the kids were a little weird too. Let's just say it wasn't Harry shouting "Mine!" and pushing past people. It wasn't the kids the nanies were following around either. Harry literally clung to my leg for about 4 minutes before warming up and climbing the stairs to the driving wheel. I think he sensed we were surrounded by liberals. The variety that don't discipline their kids or understand the art of conversation. I mean, what is so weird about "nice day!"? Do I actually have 3 heads? Two faces maybe, but not 3 heads. Eventually Harry made it through the tunnel and down a few slides. Then we walked around the perimeter and found a good stick. Later, some little neighbors dropped off some little plastic chairs that they are now too big for. Kevin doesn't know who is who though so I don't know where the thank yous go. Harry played outside for a while, got in the tub and was in bed with Snoedel, his "Blank-e" and a book by 7:30. We think it may be time to move his bedtime forward. Tomorrow, 7:45. ...okay, I feel a little bit guilty for posting this, but it is true. People who live in certain places can be sterotyped. John Grogan does the same thing when he talks about the people of Boca Raton and he is a nice person. You can obviously be nice and still poke fun at certain people. I choose the touchy-feelies of Delray. I would never talk about the folks in Boca. I love Boca!


Kevin McDermott said...

Without getting too caught up in the political-ness of all of this, some clarification on the semantics (at least in MY opinion - which may or may not be shared by the author):

Liberals as in "...we were surrounded by liberals" to me, can be equated to our own localized version of "Contrarian Pseudo-intellectuals."

Contrarian, in that regardless of the state or nature of public opinion, they deem it in their best interests to either go blindly with the mob mentality or to outright contradict it in every sense, with no particular reason or thought process for doing so other than it simply being in current court of said public opinion.

Pseudo-intellectuals in the sense of deciding that they are the end-all of knowledge on a particular subject, rather than, at the very least, considering that there just might be another opinion, fact, story, side, whatever (or 2) out there worth considering.

See Also: Close-minded

Kimberly said...

Kevin is right about my use of the word "liberal." It's not the old dictionary definition of it. These "liberals" are mean and nasty and yucky. I also wanted to use the phrase "stay at home mom" but I didn't want to offend any of those that I like, and there are a few! The ones I come in contact with, okay, not all, because many keep popping into my head, but some are mean and nasty and self-righteous and maybe tired and exhausted and stressed but overall unfriendly.