Thursday, March 16, 2006

Too Funny!

Kevin has been saying for many, many days now that the heroine in Julia Louis-Dreyfuss’s new sitcom The New Adventures of Old Christine seems to closely resemble moi. Based on the previews, I wasn't seeing it.

Last night Kevin called me at the Hilton to say he’d Tivo’d it and he was wrong: it was exactly my life. He’d turned up the volume so I could hear. He was right. Christine has stolen the dialogue of my life. It is quite comforting, really.

1. “Yeah, it’s me.” In the opening scene Christine can’t sleep so she picks up her cell…and calls herself. With a to do list. She is both polite and sarcastic to herself. I cannot tell you how many times each week I do this.
2. Christine has an adorably precocious child with good hair who eats cereal. Harry also eats cereal and has great hair.
3. Why do single women on television always have to live with another adult? Some might argue it is purely for the comedic value, for the foil. I would suggest it is because Christine cannot be the only adult in the house because the monsters would get her.
4. They eat pizza.
5. She corrects her own grammar.
6. Her son asks why everyone’s car is so much bigger. Christine responds “Because they don’t believe in themselves.”
7. Rude moms: “Hello, I don’t know you.” Not a question or an introduction. Just a statement. The kind a rude 5 year old might make.
8. One mom refers to her son being ranked in tennis in her opening sentence. When I last attended Studio Body Logic a classmate referred to her 8 year old as “an elite gymnast.” At 8?
9. Moms state “We hear you work?”
10. Christine talks to her child as a person.
11. Christine is upset she didn’t bring a gift like the other moms. I would be equally stressed. The teacher is great though: “The nicer the present, the meaner the child.”
12. Continued rude comments from the other moms so they can try to build their own self-worth by stealing someone else’s.
13. Christine’s ex-husband’s new girlfriend has the same name, Christine. New Christine tells Old Christine that to avoid confusion Old Christine can call new Christine “Chrissy.” Imagine me referring to the new girlfriend as “Kimmy?”
14. And the kicker: she still wears maternity underwear. “They are comfortable.” (But I don't wear them all the time!! Just sometimes. They are comfortable.)

So, there are one or two similarities. This is cool, cause I wasn’t identifying much with Courtney Thorne Smith.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

100 pounds, eh? Well, you've had at least a year on me! But, I never said those undies FIT! I just said I wore them. There rae instances when they actually need to be rolled down...but they are still comfy! :-)