Saturday, May 29, 2004

Another posting from Kim today:

Apparently Harrison is a Deadhead. Fascinating. I hardly recall listening to them while pregnant. I was too lazy to track down a CD, so we listened to mostly Top 40. Is it possible to just be born with an ear for music? I, myself, am tone deaf, so he obviously does NOT take after me.

Harry is a great baby (I am sticking to that). He usually cries when he is hungry or when his diaper is slightly damp---or when we are stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. All of these reasons are understandable. But, when the 9 o'clock hour hits, it is meltdown time! My friend Kelly's mom tells me 7-9 is a common cranky time (maybe that is why happy hour coincides?). She agrees with my other friend Molly. Molly's friend has a theory that whatever the mother was doing at this time while pregnant later affects the temperament of the child. The theory makes sense, but I was either in bed asleep or watching TV, too sick to do anything else.

Regardless of the reason, 9 o'clock is cranky hour. Nothing could soothe this child. One day, I decided we would dance, and there was nothing to dance to at the time except The Grateful Dead's Closing show at Winterland from the late 70s. 30 seconds in, the kid was asleep. We checked to see if it was just the dancing. Nope. We could even sit and listen and achieve instant quiet. It was not music in general either. He does like the sound of waves crashing, but is not a fan of Neil Diamond. Mozart does nothing for him. Bach and Beethoven are better, but still not The Dead. We have yet to experiment with Phish. He does like to bounce, as Tiggers do, so I do have high hopes that we will expand our music library. One thing I do know for sure, I am not leaving the house without tossing a Dead CD in the diaper bag. Would it be too strange to add a Steel Your Face sticker to his stroller?

Thursday, May 27, 2004

In the interest of all things being equal, I (Kim) have decided to add some of the journal entries to

I thought this would be easy. Harry is an active boy. Very alert. Plenty going on. Lots to talk about, right?

Besides, I started Maryland as a Journalism major, moved on to English...Kevin is a computer guy. Do you see where I am going with this? This should be a snap for me!
Yeah. Anyway.

So, he is sleeping again. He will probably wake up and eat. And then sleep again. He ate 2 ounces at 10 AM, but is usually logging between 3.5-6.
Yup. He's eating. And sleeping.




Actually, it is not that bad. The sleeping, for instance, is our project. When he first came home, he did not sleep at all during the day. He is much better at that now, but there are still no set nap patterns. So, this is what we are working on: two long naps instead of many quick ones. We would like to achieve this without disturbing his current 5-7.5 hours at night. Ideally, we would even like to improve upon that! Don't want to be greedy though...

Yesterday we had art class. We painted foot prints, but did not have the patience for hand prints. Harry only wanted to cooperate for so long. Unfortunately, that included the time needed to clean his foot, which is still a bit blue.

We also played with Owen from next door. Owen is 13 months old, so at this point they do not have too much in common. Owen was very helpful while he was here though. I think I lost another pound helping Ceri (his mom) follow him around, and I also got a better idea of what we need to baby proof. We may need to have him back over for a second run through once we put some of our new safety products in place!

Harry also made it out to two stores yesterday. It was not that bad. He was quiet the whole time.

In fact, most things are not that bad anymore. The first three weeks were rough. It was difficult to shower (again, he didn't sleep during the day) and hard to eat anything before 2PM. I can do both now! I can even run errands, accomplish tasks, socialize...Life is MUCH better. Still, carrying nothing but a couple of cups of coffee out of Starbuck's yesterday all by myself seemed very foreign. I actually felt very independent, and also very CAPABLE! Obviously, the independence comes from not carrying a baby everywhere, but it is also nice to be 35 pounds lighter and have more energy to drive, myself to the store and carry things. It has been a long time since I could really do that! I am looking forward to the person I will be 35 more ponds from now! Hopefully, I will be the kind of person that can make it to Krav Maga camp in August!

Monday, May 24, 2004

Another week under our belts, and Harry moves into his second month of existence.

Patty & Les came into town this weekend to visit, and we were able to step out for our first night alone since April 21st, for Nate & Audrey'swedding at the Mount Vernon Inn. Couldn't have asked for a nicer day. The Inn was also nice enough to crank the A/C up to keep the beer cold. Nate was on top of his game throughout, even with the unexpected paparazzi. I'm doubting that the happy couple heard anything that was being said, but it was a great ceremony. Heading inside to cooler temps was then the order of the day, where the party really began.

The Parrs, Potters & Wagners were all in attendance, rounding out all that's left of the Caps' office these days. Kim was in fine form, and did a wonderful job demonstrating the effects of Twin-Label Technology. A wonderful time was had by all, and even Canada got a piece of the action.

As for Harry, a weekend of visits and visitations. Patty & Les were on hand to babysit while mom & dad had a night out, and was then fortunate enough to visit with Kris & Jenn later on. Thankfully, her ring showed up, apparently right where she left it. Jenn wouldn't let us leave without some more Cheryl's Cookies sent in by her parents... big thanks to the Kersanty's!!!

Harry's definitely growing. He's easily doubled his food intake in the last week (which by association obviously also doubles output), and he definitely has clothes that don't quite fit anymore. Still sleeping very well at night, very thankful for that, and I swear he's learning more everyday.

So many things going on right now that will certainly effect things in the future. Harry's circle of friends is growing every day. I can't wait for him to REALLY be able to meet everyone. There's nothing that makes you happier than others showing interest in what's going on in your life. Even if it's feigned interest, it's nice of them to look like they care. We even tossed around a few "how funny would it be..." thoughts for 10 or 15 years from now, for Harry to meet up with kids that he new when he was an infant... for him to finally meet his Uncle Elwyn... to be able to catch up again.

It's gonna be great.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Well I don't know about you, but I'm ready for him to start learning things. I'm ready for him to be able to sit up, to crawl, walk, run, sprint, skate, throw, catch, calculate, ponder, consider, debate, critique, matriculate....

Oops. a bit ahead of myself there.

I had heard from a lot of people, that the newborn stages and early infancy are characterized by your child amounting to a non-reactive being whose primary concerns are eating, sleeping, and consuming diapers (though not necessarily in that order).

I seem to have convinced myself that he's already plotting against me... That the vast amounts of formula that tend to drip down his chin and soak whatever cool outfit he's got on are deliberately dribbled just to see if I'm paying attention... That he knows not only exactly what he's crying about, but also explicitly how to request what it is that he feels he needs. He's got it all down. He's just testing me... Seeing how far he can push me until I give up and call in Kim to take over because I obviously cant' handle myself. But I'm onto him.

The little stinker.

More and more, it's looking like it's turning out to be a historical summer to have been born. Aside from all of the ridiculous things going on over in the Middle East with our military and their myriad of newfound enemies thanks to some knuckleheads with a camera and an internet connection (ah technology!), the homefront seems significant enough to me. The Cicadas are invading the DC area. While our yard & neighborhood have been spared for the most part so far, I've heard literal horror stories from friends and co-workers alike about infestations that you'd think only movies were made from. The aforementioned Smarty Jones has captured the second leg of the Triple Crown in what could rightfully be called "convincing fashion." An interesting time to be alive.

Makes you wonder where we'll all be the next time the Cicadas come out. Which brings me back to how I'm ready for Harry to be able to do things. Maybe not run all over the house yet, because we still need to baby-proof things, but to at least begin the real learning process. To be able to share all of the absolutely useless knowledge that I've built up over the years. To be able to make up the silly stories to explain the unexplainable like only parents can...

I can't wait for that!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Happy 3 weeks Harrison!!!

Turns out that the baby's cry interpreter thing has been taken care of. They call it a Pediatrician. Who knew? We've been diagnosed with Acid Reflux and been properly medicated for a few days now, and you can already see the difference.

For example, Harry's already sleeping for six (6) hours at a time at night already. Yes you read that correctly... 6. Last night was actually closer to 6 1/2 or 7. May I be the first to explain that we're certainly not bragging, just hoping to continue on with the luck we've been granted thus far.

Kim's fully convinced that by the end of the week he's going to be sitting up in his crib, and reciting Mathematical Theorems. So maybe that's a little optimistic, but yuo've got to admit, the kid's a bit ahead of himself. Of course it's obviously from the superior gene pool provided by Kim & Myself.

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but all that sleeping at night does come with a price. Harry seems to have already figured out, among other things, that daytime is playtime, and certainly is NOT naptime. Sure things could be worse, and if him being awake all day so he sleeps all night is our biggest problem right now, we're in pretty good shape.

Speaking of Horses, everyone should keep an eye out for Grandpa Magoo on the NBC broadcast of the Preakness Stakes this weekend on NBC. He'll be accompanying Governor Ed Rendell to Pimlico to cheer PA's own Smarty Jones to victory in the second leg of the Triple Crown. Bet early & bet often!!!

Monday, May 10, 2004

Ah yes... falling behind already.

Another busy weekend in the McDermott household. Off to the Derkatch's baby shower on Saturday afternoon, and Kim's first Mother's Day on Sunday. A gorgeous weekend, other than the heavy showers in the evening, and it was great to be able to enjoy it.

Hope to have some more photos posted soon from the last week.

For the budding inventors/entrepreneurs in the audience, if someone could quickly come up with a few inventions, I'm sure they would certainly be appreciated and quite lucrative...

1 - Baby's Cry Interpreter

To easily decode the subtle differences between:

I'm Hungry
I'm Tired
I'm Wet
You people obviously have no idea what you're doing. Take me back to the hospital NOW.

Production Note: perhaps version 2 would include a 2-way mechanism for responding to such communications.

2 - Gastroinestinal Tract Reliever

For the immediate relief of gas caused wholly or inpart by bottle feeding and/or related sustainence & medications.

You could make millions. You WOULD make millions.

Either way, Harry's the coolest thing that's ever happened to us.

Friday, May 07, 2004

This weekend will be Kim's first Mother's Day.

Okay wiseguy, not her first one ever, but her first as a mother.

Regardless, I took yesterday off to help out with running to the doctor's office, both for Kim and for Harry, and got to spend the entire day with both of them. I would like to publicly acknowledge a new-found understanding of how hard it must be to be at home all day, every day, with a newborn.

A few examples...

First order of the day was Harry's 2-week checkup and HepB immunization. Nothing too dramatic here, as the past times I've gone to the pediatrician office, it's been the 2 of us and things have gone well. This time, Harry seems to have discovered his new talent of impersonating a garden sprinkler (a very convincing one at that), but beyond that uneventful. Everything checked out as normal.

After a quick run back home for a bit, we headed back out for Kim's appointment. Rather than head all the way back home, Harry and I decided to swing through REI, and try to get a few things at Target. May I offer that I would much rather deal with the morning/afternoon DC commute and the associated tourists buses than the lunchtime stay-at-home crowd. Around here, they seem to be consumed by themselves and their purposes so much so that one woman even had it plastered on her bumper... IT'S ALL ABOUT ME. Whatever lady... learn how to drive.

So we finally get to Target. Lots of grins and pointing at Harry's perch on my chest (credit: Baby Bjorn), to the extent that I thought something was wrong, but then remembered he's a newborn and old ladies like babies. After many repeated laps, we find most of the items we're looking for, or at least acceptable substitutes, and make our way back to pick Kim up.

The return trip is much quicker, until we get to the schmucks making a very lame attempt to direct traffic around the construction happening in the parking lot we're trying to enter. This consumes at least 10 minutes of what turns into a 20 minute trip. Ah well... back home for a walk.

Bailey's ready, and we head out. My frustrations with the day so far are clearly annoying the hell out of Kim, and we cut this walk short. She of course deals with this every day, and to up the ante, does it on her own. Back home to try to relax a bit, and enjoy each other's company.

To top it off, it's a gorgeous day outside, and we both fell that we need to get back out of the house, and enjoy it while it's there. Everyone (including Bailey this time) back in the car to head to Old Town for another walk.

Much better this time. I chalk it up to the evening commute folks and VA tourists being easier to deal with than the ME-FIRST homebodies from earlier in the afternoon. Great walk around town to sufficiently tire out everyone. Made for a significantly calmer evening.

Harry finally drifted off to sleep around the time we were watching the anti-climactic Friends finale. He woke up on time for his 9:30 feeding, but then proceeded to sleep through until his 4am. Some quick math puts that at about a 6-hour sleep. Not quite the entire night, but the closest we've had so far. BTW, yesterday was his 2-week birthday... not too shabby. Hope it lasts.

So with Kim's first mother's day right around the corner, I now have a much deeper understanding of the level of energy and emotional involvement that is consumed by her day-to-day. Luck me, I get to go to work for the day, and come home later. I guess I never really got all of that.

And I'm guessing that was an easy day.

Monday, May 03, 2004

What a weekend.

Harry's first road trip was up to Philadelphia on Saturday to celebrate his cousin's first communion. Kayla was in all of her glory, and seemed to be having a wonderful time. It was great to be able to see everyone.

Contrary to poular belief, Kim has once again proven herself to be a superwoman, by defying doctors' suggestions, as well as the status quo, for mothers who have recently had a C-Section. She made the trip, hit the social calls, and had a great time doing it. Not that she wasn't tired afterwards as we all were, but it just goes to show some of the great resiliency that she's got. Not that you woudl have noticed, but she's certianly one who's not big on begin told what she's not able to do. ;^)

Harry was great as well. Made the drive up like a champ, survived the gorgeous day even with the strong breeze, and made it home... about 97 diaper changes later. Hey, you've got to be good at something.

A highlight of the trip home were the many calls on the strong showing and subsequent victory of PA's own Smarty Jones at the 130th running of the Kentucky Derby!

Sunday was busy as well. Harry made his first appearance at Costco in his 100% fashionably functional Baby Bjorn carrier. Huge thanks again to Sue & Anna for one of the best dad gifts so far! The best was passing by another couple in the store with the same getup... smiles and thumbs-up all around.

On a side note, Kim and I have been discussing "milestones" lately. It would seem that Harry should be having many, many more fabulous firsts over the next few weeks/months/years, but it also seems that some of them are coming a bit early (WARNING: clear case of Proud Pops syndrome here):

Day 1 - Smiled
Day 5 - Noticed frames, mobile… (should be Day 6-10)
Day 6 - woke up happy and gurgling, started to roll over
Day 7 - definitely has been ooo-ing and ahhhing for a while...(didn't know it was a milestone)
Day 10 - Rolled over from stomach to back

From what I understand, we're running a bit ahead of schedule on some of these, so we can only hope that trend will continue.

I must apologize for the lack of photos in the last few entries, but I will be certain to post all of the pictures from the party later tonight. Thanks to everyone for all of the compliments on the site!