Monday, May 17, 2004

Well I don't know about you, but I'm ready for him to start learning things. I'm ready for him to be able to sit up, to crawl, walk, run, sprint, skate, throw, catch, calculate, ponder, consider, debate, critique, matriculate....

Oops. a bit ahead of myself there.

I had heard from a lot of people, that the newborn stages and early infancy are characterized by your child amounting to a non-reactive being whose primary concerns are eating, sleeping, and consuming diapers (though not necessarily in that order).

I seem to have convinced myself that he's already plotting against me... That the vast amounts of formula that tend to drip down his chin and soak whatever cool outfit he's got on are deliberately dribbled just to see if I'm paying attention... That he knows not only exactly what he's crying about, but also explicitly how to request what it is that he feels he needs. He's got it all down. He's just testing me... Seeing how far he can push me until I give up and call in Kim to take over because I obviously cant' handle myself. But I'm onto him.

The little stinker.

More and more, it's looking like it's turning out to be a historical summer to have been born. Aside from all of the ridiculous things going on over in the Middle East with our military and their myriad of newfound enemies thanks to some knuckleheads with a camera and an internet connection (ah technology!), the homefront seems significant enough to me. The Cicadas are invading the DC area. While our yard & neighborhood have been spared for the most part so far, I've heard literal horror stories from friends and co-workers alike about infestations that you'd think only movies were made from. The aforementioned Smarty Jones has captured the second leg of the Triple Crown in what could rightfully be called "convincing fashion." An interesting time to be alive.

Makes you wonder where we'll all be the next time the Cicadas come out. Which brings me back to how I'm ready for Harry to be able to do things. Maybe not run all over the house yet, because we still need to baby-proof things, but to at least begin the real learning process. To be able to share all of the absolutely useless knowledge that I've built up over the years. To be able to make up the silly stories to explain the unexplainable like only parents can...

I can't wait for that!!!

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