Monday, May 10, 2004

Ah yes... falling behind already.

Another busy weekend in the McDermott household. Off to the Derkatch's baby shower on Saturday afternoon, and Kim's first Mother's Day on Sunday. A gorgeous weekend, other than the heavy showers in the evening, and it was great to be able to enjoy it.

Hope to have some more photos posted soon from the last week.

For the budding inventors/entrepreneurs in the audience, if someone could quickly come up with a few inventions, I'm sure they would certainly be appreciated and quite lucrative...

1 - Baby's Cry Interpreter

To easily decode the subtle differences between:

I'm Hungry
I'm Tired
I'm Wet
You people obviously have no idea what you're doing. Take me back to the hospital NOW.

Production Note: perhaps version 2 would include a 2-way mechanism for responding to such communications.

2 - Gastroinestinal Tract Reliever

For the immediate relief of gas caused wholly or inpart by bottle feeding and/or related sustainence & medications.

You could make millions. You WOULD make millions.

Either way, Harry's the coolest thing that's ever happened to us.

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