Thursday, May 13, 2004

Happy 3 weeks Harrison!!!

Turns out that the baby's cry interpreter thing has been taken care of. They call it a Pediatrician. Who knew? We've been diagnosed with Acid Reflux and been properly medicated for a few days now, and you can already see the difference.

For example, Harry's already sleeping for six (6) hours at a time at night already. Yes you read that correctly... 6. Last night was actually closer to 6 1/2 or 7. May I be the first to explain that we're certainly not bragging, just hoping to continue on with the luck we've been granted thus far.

Kim's fully convinced that by the end of the week he's going to be sitting up in his crib, and reciting Mathematical Theorems. So maybe that's a little optimistic, but yuo've got to admit, the kid's a bit ahead of himself. Of course it's obviously from the superior gene pool provided by Kim & Myself.

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but all that sleeping at night does come with a price. Harry seems to have already figured out, among other things, that daytime is playtime, and certainly is NOT naptime. Sure things could be worse, and if him being awake all day so he sleeps all night is our biggest problem right now, we're in pretty good shape.

Speaking of Horses, everyone should keep an eye out for Grandpa Magoo on the NBC broadcast of the Preakness Stakes this weekend on NBC. He'll be accompanying Governor Ed Rendell to Pimlico to cheer PA's own Smarty Jones to victory in the second leg of the Triple Crown. Bet early & bet often!!!

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