Monday, May 24, 2004

Another week under our belts, and Harry moves into his second month of existence.

Patty & Les came into town this weekend to visit, and we were able to step out for our first night alone since April 21st, for Nate & Audrey'swedding at the Mount Vernon Inn. Couldn't have asked for a nicer day. The Inn was also nice enough to crank the A/C up to keep the beer cold. Nate was on top of his game throughout, even with the unexpected paparazzi. I'm doubting that the happy couple heard anything that was being said, but it was a great ceremony. Heading inside to cooler temps was then the order of the day, where the party really began.

The Parrs, Potters & Wagners were all in attendance, rounding out all that's left of the Caps' office these days. Kim was in fine form, and did a wonderful job demonstrating the effects of Twin-Label Technology. A wonderful time was had by all, and even Canada got a piece of the action.

As for Harry, a weekend of visits and visitations. Patty & Les were on hand to babysit while mom & dad had a night out, and was then fortunate enough to visit with Kris & Jenn later on. Thankfully, her ring showed up, apparently right where she left it. Jenn wouldn't let us leave without some more Cheryl's Cookies sent in by her parents... big thanks to the Kersanty's!!!

Harry's definitely growing. He's easily doubled his food intake in the last week (which by association obviously also doubles output), and he definitely has clothes that don't quite fit anymore. Still sleeping very well at night, very thankful for that, and I swear he's learning more everyday.

So many things going on right now that will certainly effect things in the future. Harry's circle of friends is growing every day. I can't wait for him to REALLY be able to meet everyone. There's nothing that makes you happier than others showing interest in what's going on in your life. Even if it's feigned interest, it's nice of them to look like they care. We even tossed around a few "how funny would it be..." thoughts for 10 or 15 years from now, for Harry to meet up with kids that he new when he was an infant... for him to finally meet his Uncle Elwyn... to be able to catch up again.

It's gonna be great.

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