Monday, May 03, 2004

What a weekend.

Harry's first road trip was up to Philadelphia on Saturday to celebrate his cousin's first communion. Kayla was in all of her glory, and seemed to be having a wonderful time. It was great to be able to see everyone.

Contrary to poular belief, Kim has once again proven herself to be a superwoman, by defying doctors' suggestions, as well as the status quo, for mothers who have recently had a C-Section. She made the trip, hit the social calls, and had a great time doing it. Not that she wasn't tired afterwards as we all were, but it just goes to show some of the great resiliency that she's got. Not that you woudl have noticed, but she's certianly one who's not big on begin told what she's not able to do. ;^)

Harry was great as well. Made the drive up like a champ, survived the gorgeous day even with the strong breeze, and made it home... about 97 diaper changes later. Hey, you've got to be good at something.

A highlight of the trip home were the many calls on the strong showing and subsequent victory of PA's own Smarty Jones at the 130th running of the Kentucky Derby!

Sunday was busy as well. Harry made his first appearance at Costco in his 100% fashionably functional Baby Bjorn carrier. Huge thanks again to Sue & Anna for one of the best dad gifts so far! The best was passing by another couple in the store with the same getup... smiles and thumbs-up all around.

On a side note, Kim and I have been discussing "milestones" lately. It would seem that Harry should be having many, many more fabulous firsts over the next few weeks/months/years, but it also seems that some of them are coming a bit early (WARNING: clear case of Proud Pops syndrome here):

Day 1 - Smiled
Day 5 - Noticed frames, mobile… (should be Day 6-10)
Day 6 - woke up happy and gurgling, started to roll over
Day 7 - definitely has been ooo-ing and ahhhing for a while...(didn't know it was a milestone)
Day 10 - Rolled over from stomach to back

From what I understand, we're running a bit ahead of schedule on some of these, so we can only hope that trend will continue.

I must apologize for the lack of photos in the last few entries, but I will be certain to post all of the pictures from the party later tonight. Thanks to everyone for all of the compliments on the site!

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