Friday, April 30, 2004

This kid rules.

I can say that because he's mine, and I'm guessing it's what you'd expect to hear from a frist-time father, but really... he does.

I don't know who made up or even governs the so-called "charts" that keep tabs on kids' development, and I also should state that I've never actually seen any of the said charts, but I'm going to go out on a limb, and say my kid's already way off... the charts that is.

Please take the following with a few grains of salt... not even the run-of-the-mill Morton's table salt, I mean the heavy duty melt-the-ice-on-your-driveway Halite stuff.

He's great. I swear he's already got personality. He sees and reacts to the mobiles and toys that hang over his crib. He eats & sleeps on a relatively regular basis (see the Bottle, Poop & Pee chart). He seems to love riding in the car -not because he has to in order to get to sleep, rather for transportation- we'll see for sure on tomorrow's trip for Kayla's First Communion. FOr the most part, he seems to be a happy kid.

Mind you, this is purely from MY perpsective. I get to go back to the office all day. Kim gets stuck at home dealing with the bulk of it. For all I know, he's an absolute terror all day, and his personality switch gets changed over as soon as I walk in the door... somehow I doubt it.

Kim had her first night out among friends tonight... her first solo social call in quite a while. I hope she had a blast! I can only hope that with all of Harry's obvious talent and intelligence, he realizes how awesome of a mom he already has.

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