Friday, April 02, 2004

So we're thinking this is probably our last weekend on our own.

At least that's what we've convinced ourselves. I actually packed my own bag for the hospital this evening, so hopefully it won't be me holding up the show.

It's also the last weekend of the NHL season for Your Nation's Capitals. We play our last home game of this abysmal season tomorrow afternoon at 3pm against the NY Rangers, and then travel to Pittsburgh for the toilet bowl of all toilet bowl games on Sunday. For those who haven't been keeping up with the standings lately, at the moment, Pittsburgh seems to have a stranglehold on last place. Depending on how you look at it, the best or worst part of it all, is that it's between us and Chicago giving them a run for their money... we're tied for second to last.

What a weekend.

The big question is, what do we do on Monday? Some would have you believe that this is a very cut & dry scenario. The rest of us, know that it's a bit more gray. This week has been the most active on employee departure announcements... 4 in 5 days. One had been with the team for 14 seasons... one of only a few who rank higher than me on the seniority scale... one of a few that those who remained were really surprised to see go.

Then comes Monday. Tuesday will be here soon enough.

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