Monday, April 26, 2004

A sort of homecoming...

Yesterday was a big day. Sorry we missed the update, but plenty of things going on... hope I can recount then sufficiently for everyone.

The big departure from the hospital lead everything off. After a final check-in with the pediatrician, and packing everything and everyone up Kim and Harry were escorted to the door, and we headed home. Thankfully, Alexandria traffic was light, and we made it home without incident.

Now it was Bailey's turn to meet Harry. As we had hoped, she passed with flying colors. Of course, she was a bit excited that we were finally home after being away for 4 days, but nonetheless, she did great.

Ed was waiting for us when we arrived, and Kim's Aunt Ethel and Uncle Bill also came down for the big day. Bailey was excited to see everyone as well, but then hit the wall. Later in the afternoon, a surprise visit from the Kersanty family. Jenn's parents were in from Columbus OH for wedding preparations for the upcoming summer nuptials. Kris also showed, as always, with a practical gift for the new Dad (perhaps yet another indicator that the bathroom still isn't done).

While it was great to see everyone, we didn't seem to take much notice of the fact that Harry slept through most of it. Although that may seem like a great concept on the outside, after being up most of the night, in hindsight, not so good.

Today was the first test of "...I know we have that somewhere, but where'd we put it?" One of the best things about being at the hospital, was we had a very convenient cart that Harry's bassinet was riding on, with a handy-dandy drawer full of everything we would have needed. Now that we're home, the best laid plans are being put to the test. What seemed like a very logical and ingenious place to put something a few weeks ago, now seems just the opposite. Kim's recovery has been progressing along quite well, but she's still not 100% at going up & down stairs. So changing diapers & feedings require some significant planning ahead.

Ceri from next door also stopped by with some beautiful flowers for Kim, and Harry seems to be getting the hang of things more and more. Tomorrow is our first trip to the Pediatrician, and my first day back at work.

And the adventure continues!

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