Sunday, April 18, 2004

Well the rain finally stopped.

The sun came out, perfect breeze, an abosolutely gorgeous weekend.

And Harry missed it. As you may have guessed, he's still inside. We did have a very nice time trying all of the tricks we could think of. We went and saw a movie Friday night, Saturday we washed cars, clenaed up around the house, and hit Phila-plooza at Kris's Saturday evening. Went for a great walk along the Potomac today up into Alexandria. No such luck.

We figure, if we keep making plans, sooner or later, we'll need to break them. With that, we'll keep it up.

So what' Philaplooza you ask? Well, first off it' was going to be Philapalooza, but aparently the party store was running short on the letter A (CTW sponsorship dollars just aren't what they used to be). So Phil's heading back to Beantown, and Kris & Jenn put on a lovely going-North party for the big Tool himself. Prominent guests included Nate & Audrey Ewell, Charbo (skim milk this time), the ever-popular Jimmy/Andy, and a surpise visit from the elder Wagner son Todd and his business associate Todd fresh from a Lionel convention in York PA. Great to finally be able to put a face with the name! I don't know that we ever actually established which were the Hawaiian wings, and which were Terriyaki, but regardless, they were all quite tasty.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention all of the candles that Phil's superbly overworked lungs had a bit of difficulty blowing out, and the excellent cake they were stuck in.

So a great weekend, and Harry missed it all. We kept trying to tell him everything that he was missing, but it would seem that he's quite content to remain in utero.

I figured I'd even head out for some pickup hockey this afternoon, fully expecting to be called off the ice by one of the rink attendants. No such luck.

And so, the countdown begins in earnest. We'll be induced on Thursday.

Mark your calendars now.

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