Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Progress. An amazing thing to watch in action. It's like getting to watch real-life time-lapse photography.

Tuesday was my first day back in the office, at the same time, my first day away from Harry. Aside from the amazing number of hearty handshakes and various forms of congratulations, curiously, I also got a lot of "...You look very well-rested." Not quite sure how that could have been the case, but thanks to all nonetheless.

Back to progress.

On my return home yesterday evening, I was greeted as always by Bailey, but mysteriously, Harry had figured out how to get some uninterrupted sleep while I was gone. Mind you, it's not that I didn't try to wake him when I got home. I carried him around the house, playing with the softest of soft arms & legs, but to no avail. The kid can sleep anywhere, through just about anything... He gets that from me.

I took a look at the chart we've been keeping to track his intake and subsequent output of formula, and am amazed at how he already seems to have picked up a regular schedule of duties (he said doodie). When feeding him later in the evening, there's obviously an intent to what he's doing. Rather than me simply thrusting his food upon him, he seems to be looking for, recognizing, and accepting already. Even to the point that he's trying to use his hands to guide his bottle in.

Okay, so I haven't actually seen him grow yet, but I can say that his hair is getting longer already, and it seems to be fading to a nice shade of blonde (sorry Wagner).


The time of initial progress is also marked by a multitude of recommendations. What worked for others when they were pulling their hair out trying to get little ones to sleep. Things like running the bathroom fan, running the washer, putting them to sleep in the carseat... the list goes on. To paraphrase one contributor "...It's amazing how resourceful you'll become when deprived of sleep." How true. So far, the carseat has been a proven winner (whether actually in the car, or sitting on the bedroom floor).

Also amazing is how quickly the time is passing. The pregnant months seem to have already faded from view. It was only last week that there were only 2 of us in the house. It was just over a year ago that we were still looking for a house to buy. Plenty of folks have told me that time flies, but who knew.

Of course, don't ask me to repeat that the next time Harry decides not to go right back to sleep after the 3am feeding.

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