Thursday, May 27, 2004

In the interest of all things being equal, I (Kim) have decided to add some of the journal entries to

I thought this would be easy. Harry is an active boy. Very alert. Plenty going on. Lots to talk about, right?

Besides, I started Maryland as a Journalism major, moved on to English...Kevin is a computer guy. Do you see where I am going with this? This should be a snap for me!
Yeah. Anyway.

So, he is sleeping again. He will probably wake up and eat. And then sleep again. He ate 2 ounces at 10 AM, but is usually logging between 3.5-6.
Yup. He's eating. And sleeping.




Actually, it is not that bad. The sleeping, for instance, is our project. When he first came home, he did not sleep at all during the day. He is much better at that now, but there are still no set nap patterns. So, this is what we are working on: two long naps instead of many quick ones. We would like to achieve this without disturbing his current 5-7.5 hours at night. Ideally, we would even like to improve upon that! Don't want to be greedy though...

Yesterday we had art class. We painted foot prints, but did not have the patience for hand prints. Harry only wanted to cooperate for so long. Unfortunately, that included the time needed to clean his foot, which is still a bit blue.

We also played with Owen from next door. Owen is 13 months old, so at this point they do not have too much in common. Owen was very helpful while he was here though. I think I lost another pound helping Ceri (his mom) follow him around, and I also got a better idea of what we need to baby proof. We may need to have him back over for a second run through once we put some of our new safety products in place!

Harry also made it out to two stores yesterday. It was not that bad. He was quiet the whole time.

In fact, most things are not that bad anymore. The first three weeks were rough. It was difficult to shower (again, he didn't sleep during the day) and hard to eat anything before 2PM. I can do both now! I can even run errands, accomplish tasks, socialize...Life is MUCH better. Still, carrying nothing but a couple of cups of coffee out of Starbuck's yesterday all by myself seemed very foreign. I actually felt very independent, and also very CAPABLE! Obviously, the independence comes from not carrying a baby everywhere, but it is also nice to be 35 pounds lighter and have more energy to drive, myself to the store and carry things. It has been a long time since I could really do that! I am looking forward to the person I will be 35 more ponds from now! Hopefully, I will be the kind of person that can make it to Krav Maga camp in August!

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