Sunday, September 18, 2005

So, we're back from vacation.
Is it weird that we don't "do vacation" very well?

I think it was Rich or Shelly or maybe both that said it took at least 3 days to unwind.

I am not so good at unwinding. Kevin hates vacation. Based on Harry's foot stomping, I'd have to say a week may be too much.
Plus, we have so much fun at home!

Today I skipped out on my 12 mile run with Tara. Now I will have to go it alone tomorrow. I felt rather dehydrated though. But, in case 2 of my 3 readers are reading this, I WILL RUN TOMORROW. I SWEAR!!!

Kevin hung out with Harry and took him to Trader Joe's while I did a quick once over of the still not yet unpacked house. I suspect I sent my brunch invite from my PRA email, so I didn't know how many people I was expecting today at 11:30. Luckily/unluckily, nearly everyone I expected to come made it. It was very nice to have time to hang out with Claudette (in from Dallas) as well as the other Lime Green Ladies. It always seems like when Claudette is here she never left! And May made it up with Arwen. I think this is really the first baby Harry has ever seen. The DePasquale kid is nearly bigger then Harry, and the kids in swimming were a bit older then Arwen (and I forgot about them), and baby Tyler was all wrapped up…Harry touched her feet a few times and said "Baby!"

As for words, he is doing SOOOOO well! It is freaky! Today he pointed to apples and said "Apple." A few times. Last week he was saying "Aminal" in regards to some plastic animals Katherien gave him. We bought him a toy that sings "Wheels on the Bus" and he says "Beep, Beep, Beep!" So cute! And, most impressively, he points to his belly and says "Poop" when he, well, poops. I think I need to talk to some folks about this one. Whiel I was optimistic about putting the potty in the bathroom…do I really want to potty train a 17 month old? Even a 2 year old? Seems a bit difficult.

Anyway, I feel badly we did not make it to Noah's first birthday. Noah is Konnie's son from PRA, and they just moved to Maryland from Georgetown. Hopefully we can schedule a play date soon. My brunch actually lingered until 5 so I couldn't have made it if I'd tried.

The neighbors must have been watching, because as Jeanne and Claudette pulled away, 10 year olds Eileen and Elena ran up to see if we were joining them for the block party. It was kind of nice to be fetched, because we were actually a littlt intimidated about going to officially meet about 8 sets of neighbors at once! The party was pretty fun. The neighbors are great, and the 10 or 12 kids range in age from 3-14. These are the kids in the cul-de-sac across the street, plus Nicholas who is 8 and lives a couple of houses down. Ned is 3. He is the youngest. There are other little kids behind us, but Harry has not met them yet. He is usually asleep when they come by.

Harry definitely had fun with the big kids, and I think they had fun with him. He ran a little bit on the lawn with them. Eileen was helpful in keeping him out of the ivy. She and Nicholas also played on his bike with him. He really likes to watch them. He was careful, though, not to chase too much, and seemed content to sit on the curb with Eileen while the older boys rode bikes.

So, anyway, we have fun at home. A lot of the time, I feel like I am on vacation when I am home. We have fun!

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