Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Blah! I hate reporters! When will I learn? It's a cute article,and it is positive, but they always seem to really miss the boat! On the bright side, I don't look too fat in the photo...

Grabbing Life by the Baby Jogger

Grrr! I'm so stuck on this now!

I am in North Carolina until Thursday, so I cannot get a copy of the Post. I have to drop my computer off with IT in ten minutes.


Like I said, the article is reasonably positive, but I AM NOT A STAY AT HOME MOM!!!! Not everyone in the group is. It's not a group for STAY AT HOME MOMS!!! And no offense to any stay at home moms...I just feel that I would have trained better if I was!!!! And I wouldn't have felt guily about leaving Harry JUST for my runs. Or we could have run during the week. I don't know why this is suddenly getting to me. Stupid repoorter. Stupid reporter. STUPID REPORTER!

I don't have feelings of guilt regarding working, but adding this extra 26.2 component was a lot...and that STUPID F^%&ING ARTICLE did not account for any of it! THE POST FUCKING SUCKS!"


Kevin McDermott said...

Well that's not really the spin I ever saw this taking when I signed Kim up for this group... they get themselves some great press, only days before the MCM, and the article starts off shooting everyone down, playing them like they're a bunch of weak-minded, helpless beings:

"...Being a stay-at-home mom can be a lonesome, exhausting experience. Play groups and other activities often bring mothers together, but few options exist for moms seeking fellowship and fitness."

Nothing could be further from Kim's outlook on life, much less her existence in general.

Now... take a look at the mission of the group in question:

"...seeMOMMYrun.com is a free Internet service to help busy women find or start child-friendly running or walking groups convenient to their personal geographic needs, time constraints, and fitness abilities."

Busy women with time constraints dont' really seem to me as those who are lonely at home with nothing to do.

Way to go Post... you really screwed that one up.

Kimberly said...
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Kimberly said...

Administrator's note... previous comment edited for typos & re-posted

Thanks Kevin, and Dixie...and Lola for your phone message (a fellow working runner). Sorry for my venting. I have been burned by reporters twice in the past, once positive, once negative. One that tailed us in high school neglected to report in the article that we spent our lunch hour completing homework so we could make it to a dozen after school activities, only to say we spent the time giggling about Brad Pitt's butt (which is a fine subject, but an exaggerated description of our time, especially when the article was about another school being more academic than hours) and the other described me in a Pilates article in Metro Sports as a top triathlete. I am not complaining about that one, but others might!

I don't want to offend anyone who stays home. It is admirable. A lot of the group stays home, and many of them are military wives who are new to the area...some are lonely (or used to be).

It is just that, if you read my other post, about how I was feeling badly about the marathon, this didn't make me feel better. I was so excited to read it, and maybe get some good group photos for the scrap book. Instead it caused me anger and frustration. But I just sat through two hours of a motivational speaker, and I will now choose to keep this outside of my circle (more on this later).

I think the reporter did a dis-service in a lot of ways. There are lots of groups for non-working moms, but there are NONE for those who work. This one was neutral, and we appreciated it! The article may turn off other moms from joining, because they think it is filled with the stay at home variety who can be nasty when it comes to groups. I seem to miss the fact that I know or am otherwise related to so many nice ones, and focus on the retards who cut me off at Little Gym make up classes or are pathetic stalkers like old neighbor Ceri (the reason we moved).

I think it also could have been a great article about some people being working moms who value every spare second we get with our kids, but still recognize the importance of being fit, releasing stress, having an hour of me time...or showing to our kids what they can do if they put their minds to it...even though we also work.

And I guess what pisses me off the most: I was accepted to Maryland as a Journalism major. I wanted to be a reporter. Instead, I changed majors and ended up in a career that requires me to verify source, cross my tees, dot my i's, work long hours, value accuracy, hold myself accountable to the truth...I could have had it easy!