Wednesday, October 12, 2005

There it is!!!

Admittedly, I have not been quizzing Harry on his body parts "the way we should," or on animal sounds. He is usually too busy. Somewhere along the way he seems to have picked it up, though. In the past, he has not wanted to play my silly game. But after some thought, he decided to play last night and got an A+. Harry knows where his nose is, his ears, his mouth, his feet, his head, his belly...and he doesn't poke himself when he points to his eye! He was very proud of himself, but in a subdued way, as if to say "of course I know this!"

As for animal sounds, well, he definitely knows dog. He has a little horse he got at the beach, and that one barks all day! Oof! Oof! Harry barks at every dog, horse and cat that he sees. He even barks when he doesn't see dogs, when he only hears them. I suspect it is driving Menike crazy!

Harry tries to count to 3 before I spin him in circles or Daddy bounces him up and down. He holds up his fingers. He also counts when we go up and down steps. He can count to 14, but not necessarily in the proper order! Doesn't matter, he has dimples.

He can climb up the stairs on a sliding board WHILE talking on a cell phone. He can also climb up the slats at the park across the street while holding a stick. He can also do rolls on his own now. You know, tumblesaults, like he learns at gymnastics.

He doesn't put much stuff in his mouth anymore. This includes most of the food he used to like. Put it in a snack cup, though, and we're golden! Cookies and spaghetti seem to have replaced blueberries and avocados. We still aim for organic as much as possible.

Likes: sticks, gym class, the park, Bailey's feet, his little broom.
Dislikes: arguing, Bailey not listening, Greek yogurt, seeing his bike and not being allowed to ride it.

Gotta run now. Literally, need to get 10 in before my flight to San Diego. Will miss my little bug! But I should be back Friday morning.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Damn! Menike HAS been teaching them body parts. Oh well. That's why she makes the big money.