Sunday, October 16, 2005

What a Day!

What a weekend! And we didn't even make it to IKEA!

I have had a lot of great days in my life. There was the first day of school, my first library card, making varsity as a freshman, Outward Bound, my wedding day...I think by far the best so far came on Saturday. I got to experience what Andre Agassi attempted to describe in a magazine: the first day his kid hit a ball over the net. No, Harry is not a tennis wiz, but he did do something equally remarkable - he methodically scampered up the "rock wall" at the park! To say it sent shivers up my spine is an understatement!

Obviously, there is not much money in professional rock climbing. Maybe some Clif Bar sponsorship if you are the best in the world. That's not the point. There is the wonderful issue of being good at things. There is a lot to be said about that, but more importantly, rock climbing teaches you so many things. It teaches patience and perserverance. It gets your brain moving in new ways. It builds strength and character. Once again, could be my perspective of the event, but I swear I saw all of that going on in Harry's head. He didn't just pull himself up the wall, he thought it through. When one hold didn't work, he stopped and chose another. He balanced, he used his legs, he used his stregth. It was amazing! He climbed with his brain!

The little brain is really working now. He is a thoughtful kid. This may have been our downfall with Bailey, but we have high hopes for the boy!

Rock climbing wasn't the only weekend activity. We had Harry's usual gymnastics class and a trip to Old Towne. We also had yet another neighborhood party. This one was OktoberFest and it was at the other end of our street. It was awesome! There was a gross dead pig on some giant drum thing, but fortunately I could not see or smell it. There were also two moon bounces. Harry started off in the little one by himself, but was soon joined by 3 year olds Ben and TJ. He happily enjoyed being tackled by them and was all giggles. Apparently these are not the tough guys of the neighborhood, so their parents were happy they were able to pretend, and that Harry was a good sport about it. The real tough guy, apparently, is curly haired, 22-month-old William. He and Harry hit it off swimmingly. The smiles could not have been bigger. We think the little royals will be best of friends! (Harry & William- get it?)

Our neighbors are awesome too, both young and old. It is amazing that we have had so many opportunities to meet them all! And they seemed just as excited to get to know us and Harry. Did I mention we couldn't be happier here? The next activity is a Halloween parade. Hopefully Lance can join us for this one, and maybe some other friends, as well!

Sunday I did my 8 mile run. I know I am not supposed to make any changes this close to the race, but I need to get some new New Balance sneakers today. I don't know why I ever try to run in a nything else. I have a 1 month old pair of Brooks running shoes, and my good ankle started to hurt. Not good.

Later Harry and I ended up visiting Lance for a quick play date. I think the two have grasped the concept that not sharing is bad, but still seem a bit tentative about actually sharing things freely. There seems to be that "are you sure about this" look when the mommies and aunties insist upon it! We'll keep working on it though.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Ships are safe at harbor, but that is not what they are made for ;-)