Friday, November 18, 2005

It's been a while since we've had some serious introspection from the testosterone-laden side of the house, and as Friday's are as good a time as any to take on a diversion or 2 during the day, thought I'd poke my head in and offer some hot air on this cold afternoon...

I know I'm a bit behind on this, but first and foremost, I'd like to offer public congratulations to Kim and all of her co-horts for their participation, both on- and off-course, in the 30th annual Marine Corps Marathon. I still haven't done one yet, and honestly have little inclination to. Regardless, a fantastic effort by all. A gorgeous day, a gazillion fans (and racers for that matter), and Harry still managed to sleep from one end of the Mall to the other -- he literally slept the entire time, as we walked from the National Museum of the Native American, to the USMC Iwo Jima Memorial. Friendly faces accompanying at the pre-race pasta dinner, the Expo, the race itself, and even in the finish line crowd hopefully were all significant factors in bringing everyone over the line.

National-dress-up-in-a-funny-costume-and-panhandle-for-free-candy-day-into-early-evening was also a blast this year. Harry had a blast looting through the neighbors' foyers, and apparently even locked himself in one (he LOVES closing doors behind him, whether you're there or not)! Accompaniment from his right-hand monkey Lance certainly made even better.

Speaking of which, great segue into the party at Casa Savagtny. Although Harry made his grand entrance dead to the world slumbering over Dad's shoulder, but quickly caught his 90th wind of the day just in time to learn how to dip Nacho chips into Salsa -n- Cheez. This is not to say that much, if any, of the dip remained on the chip, nor that the chip made it into Harry's mouth, but he had a lot of fun trying. Lance's dad decided also to break out the strings, and Harry got to get his first real glimpse of me vainly attempting to remember how to fingerpick. Much to Kim's delight, the old standbys came back after only a few botches... like riding a bike.

Another Friday, and another federal holiday make for a great reason to head downtown for a hockey matinee. Thanks to some great seats from Audrius Zubrus, Harry got to get an up close & personal look at the Olympia Ice Resurfacer (no... it's NOT a Zamboni!!!), and even a nice visit from driver Phil shortly after. As with our last outing to MCI Center, it was great to see everyone, and to be seen by everyone else. Looking forward to another jaunt, hopefully to touch base with the extended Wagner clan before Turkey Day.

Follow that with a busy Saturday at the Little Gym, dinner with the Lynch's (newborn Tyler included), and a daytrip to NJ for Dominic Jr's birthday party, and Harry was pooped for sure (in several sense of the word).

This weekend will certainly be just as busy... more hockey, more friends coming to dinner (it's great to finally be able to entertain), and more travel on the horizon.

Harry seems to do very well with all of it, many would note that he handles it all MUCH better than his father ever has (not that you'd get much of an argument). It's not much of a surprise though, as Harry has always been into what's going on around him. From the first few minutes when he was taking everything in with those big wide open eyes, to exploring the video arcade for new games to play, he's always taking it in.


Anonymous said...

Three cheers for teh new and improved dining room table! Let us knwo when you wnat Kevin to cook for you!

Kevin McDermott said...

I neglected to mention how many requests we've also gotten lately for Kim to train the local kids for next years' spelling bee.

Kimberly said...

I know how to spell! I just don't know how to type!!! Or rather, how to control my fingers...some are more overzealous than others with hitting the keys. They prefer e to come before h, for example.