Monday, November 14, 2005

Just a quick post before I run off to the gym to run off stuff..
Another long weekend, and one that involved too much sugar!
It left me feeling kind of gross and icky, so I need to sweat some of it out.
Harry already felt kind of gross and icky. Friday morning he threw up on Snoedel! Horrors! Especially because after throwing up, all he wanted was Snoedel! Bt he was a trooper.
And he was a trooper all weekend. He was home Friday for Veteran's Day. I took him to gym and he played a bit. I tried to keep him vertical (no monkey flips). Kevin took him to his second hockey game. We decided at least if he went to the game he would sit still and maybe feel better. He chilled with Kevin's sunglasses on behind the goal. He fell asleep on the way to Lola's party, but eventually woke up and hung out with Lance. More gym on Saturday and a visit from the Lynches with baby Tyler. Harry was intrigued by the little one, but not too intrigued to make it to bed on time at 7:30. Sunday we headed up to Jersey for cousin Dominic's 5th birthday. It was at the Funplex. I swore I woudl not let my child play video games, but I think Harry was born with some techno gene. I suspect my hands are tied.


Anonymous said...

How's the new job going??

Kimberly said...

Great so far. The people are awesome. I really enjoy working with them. My study is not active yet though, so I get to spend lot sof time at coffee shops reviewing SOPs and taking telecons at the gym. I love my job! Lots of peopel from PRA are here as well. SO cool!

How are you feeling these days? When do you start your new job?

Anonymous said...

Still going through security clearance- background and criminal checks, drug testing, etc.. after a week off, I think I am going to start 12/19 and then the company is closed Christmas week!!!

I am actually feeling ok, aside from being very tired at night.. Hanging in..

I am so happy that you like your new job! You haven't said too much about it (until today's post) and I was a little worried..


Anonymous said...

Glad you are notr feeling too bad. I think I was sick enough fro everyone...and SOOOO tired!!! That gets betetr though.

Your December soudns about as fabulous as mine!!!

Haven't written much about teh job because there is nothing much to write about. I am enjoying teh downtime, because I know things will pick up in the new year.

A colleague I really liek just joined teh team,a nd I still keep in touch with my old PRA buds. Things seem a wreck there. Glad I jumped ship. At SCIREX, teh biggest obstacles rae that we are "encouraged" to use Budget car rental and our travel peopel kind of suck. But no big. I really like teh other CRAs and PMs!