Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Back to pumpkins…

The Voyagers Cinderella run was brought to a screeching halt last night after being defeated in the finals by the Swarm. Actually a very good game against a very good team (personally I don't know how they were only seeded #2). Save for an interesting succession of crosschecks to the back of Nate's head in the waning moments, even a clean game. There's always next season, though it's been difficult lately to discern when one season ends and another begins…

Speaking of seasons, it was great to wake up to a relatively crisp Autumn morning today, even though it was to the sound of Harry wanting out of his crib at 6:15 (what happened to him sleeping until 7 you ask? Well I'd like to know too!), he had a very productive evening on Tuesday, so I'll let it slide.


In a word, yes. You see Harry has some great blocks that he got from my Mom and Les a while back. He loves them. The colors, the shapes, the sounds they make after flying across the room… loves them. But last night, rather than immediately knocking over the "tower" (read: any 2 or more blocks on top of each other), he decided to build with them. Deliberately… methodically… intentionally… carefully… patiently. All descriptors that had you been looking at him 15 minutes earlier when he was whining and squirming to get out of his highchair, you'd never associate with the boy.

So you can understand my astonishment that immediately gave way to pride when he kept quietly sorting and matching and stacking on top of the pile. Doing his best to balance them atop one another without knocking anything down. And if he did, quickly picking up the offending piece to try to place it back from whence it came.

It's truly amazing to watch someone learn.

Tomorrow is Harry's cousin Patrick's 6 month birthday. They haven't gotten to meet each other yet, but perhaps will someday soon. We haven't heard much from Bryan & Anna in a while, but can only assume that "no gnus is good gnus." Thinking back to our own schedules a year ago, things were quite hectic. As I understand Bryan is, I was also starting a new job at that juncture, and was still trying to get the routine down.

Speaking of new jobs & routines, as has been mentioned, Kim is back on the road with her new company, and the old routine that has become new of playing single Dad in a new house has been fun. I guess it's really not that big of a deal, but I think both Harry and I had become so used to Kim getting up with him, whilst I run up and down stairs trying to find everything I need for the day (still living downstairs for the time being - hope to be sleeping upstairs by the weekend). He's not been particularly fond of having to wait for me to be finished before he even gets to start.

I ended yesterday's post with a quip about more vacation reflections to come, but they may have to wait a bit. If I can come up with some more time to gather my thoughts coherently rather than running amuck, I'll get them up here.

Not to make too many beer-league hockey references, but I got an interesting comment from Aunt Jenn last night after the game. She apparently had mentioned to her mother that she wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make the game last night, with Kim being out of town. Mrs. Kersanty was quick to relay that I would indeed be playing as I was able to get a babysitter (huge thanks again to Aidan!!)…

Better watch what I say...



Anonymous said...

That's right Kevin - I want to make sure that you continue doing a good job with that cute litte guy. It's fun to read about him especially since Mackenzie is so close in age. Keep up the good work!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. Kersanty!!!