Friday, September 09, 2005

Hello everyone.

As you may have noticed in the blog, in the news, in your inbox.... it's been a pretty busy last few weeks.

All the while, Harry keeps on motoring right along in his world.

And may I reiterate once again... with feeling... that it is most undoubtedly HIS world.

Not that you'd notice from his overwhelming command of the spotlight in the (ahem) not very recent photos on the front page, or his recent maxillary exploits at daycare. But now, he once again has his own new vehicle. I say it's his, because the vast majority of logic behind its purchase relates directly to Harry and his aforementioned world... playdates, multiple carseats for friends, room for toys while traveling to vacation spots...

That said, it certainly doesn't seem to have gone unnoticed. Similarly to Kim, Harry obviously appreciates being above the traffic sightlines, and the panoramic views offered by the increased glass-to-steel ratio. All of this is clearly evidenced by his non-fidgety-ness and frequent powernapping in the back.

Hopefully this newfound relaxation and comfort will manifest itself in this weekend's Sojurn to the South*, as we all pile in (yes... Bailey is even coming - against my better judgment) to head to Duck NC for a week with friends. We're certainly planning ahead, assuming that it would be unwise to push the in-car sitting for too long, and are planning to break up the journey with a mid-trip stopover in Colonial Williamsburg for a leg-stretch.

So a trip to break in the new minivan, get Kim & Harry to the beach, get Bailey out of the house, and visit friends (BTW, very bummed that Kim & John had to back out at the last minute... hope to see you guys soon!), and for us all to finally go on a real vacation.

For at least a few years, we (the PA McDermott's) used to go to the Outer Banks with the CT McDermott's. Granted the memories aren't quite as vivid as the trip to Maine** , I do recall NC being somewhat of a good time. Hopefully this time, as when Kim and I met Elliot down there, I get to be in on more of the fun.

As previously noted, I've never been known for my ability to recall past events... Hopefully we can change that for the little man, and get him some good ones!

* Anyone who can correctly identify this reference gets a buck.

** Anyone who can correctly identify this reference owes me a buck for having to be stuck watching it.


Anonymous said...

The Marley/Wendy bra thing? I'll give you a buck!

Anonymous said...

I deserve a buck for getting stuck there too! Bras still give me the heebie jeebies after that! mmmmeeeggg

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll rob Harry's piggy bank and dole out the dough! ACtually- I tossed Kev's in his wallet!