Sunday, October 02, 2005

Army 11 Miler

Today was a beautiful day for a run- mine just ended up being a little bit longer than expected. Due to a breach in security (bomb on 14th street bridge) the Army re-routed the annual race...and threw in an extra mile and a half or so for good measure. Ce la vie. I needed to train a bit better anyway.

It seems Lola ran her race in under two hours! Serious kudos. I waived Tara ahead at the 5 mile mark, but we both finished at just over 2 hours. Tara and I ran at about a 10 minute pace with a potty break and some walks at the water stations. After 5 I slowed to a 12 but maintained the pace without a break...even when the finish line was not around the corner.

It sucks a bit to no longer be a running goddess (or at least someone who could keep up with her friends) but I did have a baby, sprain my ankle, and overall lack the motivation to get out and train. Glad I got out there today though. I am feeling a lot better about "The Marathon" that looms on the horizon.

Nothing like a long run to get to know your city and yourself, even if it is just a revised course. My first run was the Marine Corps Marathon...1997 maybe? The year Glenn turned 40. The scenary has changed since then. There is a new World War II Memorial that is just breathtaking to run past. There is also the Native American Museum. DC is a gorgeous city, and I am very spoiled to be able to run here. It is something I dreamed about as a high school senior, back before I realized that goals are more useful than dreams.

I also got to consider myself a bit. I remembered why I run. I remembered how to run.

Started thinking about Harry and the Panda suit he will wear at this year's MCM. Last year he went out dressed as a Monkey and got lots of high fives. I imagine this year there will be even more, as he dresses like one of the district's symbols (little will the crowd know that it is really a tribute to Uncle Kris's Panda-Poo Tees!). I am sure he will also spend several hours saying hi to folks as they pass. I hope he doesn't cry when he sees me and I keep going.

Harry in costume at the marathon is becoming a tradition. It's his parade. Kevin has pictures in clown suits at Mardi Gras while I strutted around with Mummers. I was even younger than Harry at my first Mummers Parade, but I remember it vividly- at least, I remember lots of big people enjoying the treats at my grandparents' New Year's party, which happened to be on the parade route. I also remember giant Ernie and Bert from Sesame Street. I wonder what Harry will remember?

Panda Poo will not be Harry's only costume this year. I happened across a picture of a Pirate holding Mardi Gras beads---one of Harry's most favorite things! He has about 4 days of costume wearing to look forward to, so we will alternate. Hoping to take Harry and Lance to teh zoo sometime later to run around in their animal costumes!

Need to sign off now. Truly exhausted. In addition to the race, Harry and I visited the Brockway girls, and we later headed to the old 'hood to BBQ with Dan and Janie and Laura (and Abby!-her dog). Excellent food and great company! Exhausted now though! Hope I can move tomorrow!


Kimberly said...

I just finished reading my own link that I posted re: teh route. It was frustrating at the end, especially post finish line, but considering teh tiem frame, they did an amazing job. I was thinking earlier on how lucky I am that almost all of the races I commit to are military run. I still agree with that. Kudos to the army, and to the runners at the front of the pack, those folks that I do not even aspire to become, because I just wouldn't know the way.

Anonymous said...

PS-- if you want and have time, I started my own little blog.. It is NO WHERE nearly as cool as Harry's.. but I am trying...