Thursday, December 01, 2005

"Did Harry Go See Santa Claus?"

Wow- I had nearly f orgotten about this question. Luckily, several folks have reminded me.
The answer:


No he did not see Santa!

And he will not be left out or his childhood destroyed becasues of this. Lots of kids don't go to see Santa.

An open mind is a sign of intelligence, and mine is not closed on this issue, but for the reasons you will see below, we are at the moment choosing to not expose Harry to the belief in Santa Claus. Other elves are fine, but this one has gotten out of hand, and there is some baggage in that sleigh along with the presents.

For now, I know my son, and I would bet his investments that there is very little chance he would willingly stand in line for hours just to see some large man in a red suit with lots of hippy white hair. Harry doesn't like his own relatves to pick him up- why would he allow a stranger at the mall? I have no plans to traumatize the sweet, trusting child in this fashion.

If I have time later, I will scan in the picture of me as a 1 year old screaming my head off on Santa's lap. If you are feeling impatient, rent A Christmas Story. Fast forward to the Santa scene.

Does this mean Santa will most likely not come to Harry's house? Most likely he will not. Harry gets presents all year long from us. We are not home on December 25th anyway, and even if we were, I don't think it is in anyone's best interest to shower more gifts upon him then he knows what to do with. Besides, I am sure Pop Pop will have come up with a few items that "Fell Off The Sleigh" so to speak.

I may have mentioned last year a few reasons why Santa is not coming, but it bears repeating.

1. Santa is a symbol of commercialism. Really. Though I prefer it to Pepsi, we can blame Coca-Cola. This is not to say I do not appreciate the art work as much as the next chick.

2. Who, besides me, was horrified to know that we were kept in the dark and lied to for years about the jolly old elf, only to have some bratty know it all neighbor spill the beens that it was our parents unloading gifts until 4 in the morning? I obviously still have not recovered!

3. Everyone is alsways talking about the "real meanig of Christmas" (which I do not celebrate)yet they prepetuate the Sanata Claus myth. Sure, Santa may represent the spirit of giving, but catch any 4 year old off guard and you will know it is more about receiving. Perhaps Santa is teh variable leading to Columbine. You never know.

I could continue, but you surely must have caught my drift by now.

Harry's holiday will be wonderful. We will celebrate Yule with bright lights and candles. The sparkle is what really tickles his fancy. That is the magic for him. That and tissue paper...and I am sure cookies!
We will spend time sorting through our "Holiday cans." Harry's includes his hospital T-shirt and his monkey shoes. Kevin and I are on our 11th year of goodies, including a lobster pick he rescued from a shop vac at Euro imports! We will spend time together reminiscing over the past year. We will, hopefully, share some bubbly and some good times with frinds and family. There will be presents, but they will be from loved ones.

I have no plans to ruin anyone else's fantasies. I still ask kids what they want from Santa. This doesn't make me a hypocrit. I am respecting the traditions of other families and would hope for the same respect.
When Harry is old enough, the plan now is to explain to him that Santa doesn't go to every house and vaguely explain that we have other traditions. Hopefully he will enjoy them, and we have every intention of making his holidays magickal!

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